Luke - s6

I just watched Franky's episode from series 6, I hadn't seen it since it first aired.

Luke was such a terrible villian, he was hilariously bad. He was not intimidating or menacing in the slightest... maybe because I was laughing so much because I was reminded that someone on here said that he "looked like a toddler's face has been photoshopped on a man's body" 

Franky was also AWFUL in this episode. She made Effy look like a sweet little angel. It was so unrealistic how she started beating all those guys up... and the sex scenes between she and Luke made me cringe!



That Luke character was a fool. He was the least convincing hardman ever, and his philosophies on life made me laugh, they were so stupid. I thought that Mad Twatter or Mackenzie Crook were as silly as Skins villains could get. I was wrong. And Frankie, a little girl who's probably never been in a fight in her life is all of a sudden tough enough to beat up armed thugs? Come on. That was going too far, even for Skins.
