MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > ENRAGED with cook's episodes

ENRAGED with cook's episodes

Well i shouldn;t be cause this is classic *beep* skins. all that *beep* happened. the death of 2 people maybe 4 including 3 innocent ones who had nothing to do with it at all.

all because of some stupid s1ut who couldn't keep her legs closed. I hated every single second that Wh0re was on. Completly *beep*

but i've seen deaths in the past cause of hanging out with wh0res eg effy.

lesson learned. dirty s1uts ruin lives.

this is all I could see when watching this. a not raised right s1utty bitch gets people involved in her scummy life and tries to get as much orgasm as she can outta boys even when she has a dedicated boyfirend. I liked watching this but got too enraged ause it all boiled down to being this girls fault cause she was a dirty little ho.

yeah louie did all the killing etc but you get in with a bad crowd like that with a profession of dealing drugs and wtf doyou expect if you go playing round with other men.

Now if you needed a back flip I'd be up that wall in a second bro.


Women who get involved with bad men, and then act surpised when he does bad things never cease to amaze me. One thing I didn't get, though is that Louie killed Emma, and her parents despite the fact that they had nothing to do with it, before learning that Cook had sex with his girl. This means he killed them for absolutely no good reason. All, in all, Skins Season 7 has let me down.



Agreed! I even like Sketch more than Charlie.. that's saying something



at least sketch didn't get innocent people killed and seemed like she'd be loyal. this s1ut charlie tries it on with cook. then outta nowhere she's *beep* the black guy. she was just cock hungry and a family who had nothing to do with anything gets brutally murdered. and her face. her bloody face.

Now if you needed a back flip I'd be up that wall in a second bro.



Charlie enraged me a LOT too; have never seen such a selfish, slutty, bitchy character--getting that poor girl and her parents killed who had NOTHING to do with this? Still making out w Cook in front of that poor girl? Risking everyone's lives when she could have just went back with her psycho boyfriend---eesh--she made Effy look like an innocent virgin which is saying something


I can only hope that Charlie didn't know what her boyfriend was really like, because if she was aware he's that much of a nutter, she's scum. As for Louie, seriously? Killing an innocent girl and her frightully middle-class parents for no good reason (Keep in mind that he didn't know Cook had shagged Charlie, therefore had no real reason to kill them to get revenge on Cook) If he operates that way, it's a miracle he's not in prison already.




Good point - I was going to make a similar one but couldn't decide whether the OP is a troll or just a misogynistic pig (who's probably not getting any, to complete the stereotype :-)

Also, just for your information, all you ranters about women who sleep around: maybe you don't know this, but IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO!!!! Women sleeping around USUALLY involves a man (unless they are lesbian, in which case what do you even care!)


LMAO, I was thinking the same thing. You people are blaming the woman who simply slept around with other guys, and not the freaking murderer who actually went around killing everybody?? Charlie may have been a sociopath, but Louie was the one with blood on his hands.


also, louie was cheating on charlie too. am i the only one who watched the first part when he had the girl leave his apartment before charlie got back? and charlie told cook that louie was cheating... they were both cheaters.

charlie was gross and i was upset with her because it was her that got some drug dealing killer on their backs. but it is funny noone was mad at louie for killing people who had nothing to do with himself or charlie, especially when he didnt know that she slept with cook yet like someone else pointed out.. that was weird to me too. that and the big guy not being there in the end were weird to me.

but yeah, charlie should have been the one hanging from the tree. she was still trying to get with cook when they were on the run. like, what's wrong with this broad?
no qualms with cook though.



The way I see it is initially it is all Cook's fault for indirectly getting everyone killed because he can't just treat a girl decently, he must sleep around or sleep with women who he knows are taken, he just never grew up. He also told Charlie more than Emma was ever allowed to know.

However with that said, Charlie is guilty for the death of innocents as well, there is blood on her hands. She knew Cook had a girlfriend, she continued to tempt Cook multiple times, and she brought her murderous boyfriend to them. She taunted Emma about their cheating and then really wanted to get off with Cook when they were hiding. I'm assuming Emma left because that would be painful to witness, either during or the aftermath, leading to her hanging.

Charlie is just as complicit as Cook in all of this. They spoke with their hormones and in turn *beep* over decent people by bringing a murderer around. Ultimately Louie is the killer, but Cook and Charlie are just completely irredeemable in my eyes. I think what a lot of people are doing as seeing Charlie as more "evil" is because she did not show regret for any innocents killed, yet Cook seemed remorseful at the end, so Charlie comes off looking worse.

Just what an awful scenario though really. Emma seemed to be a great person, the only new character I actually enjoyed with Season 7, and then the writers just treat her the worst. Maybe they felt that killing her after her parents were murdered was the only resolution because her life was ruined anyway, but she was estranged from them so I feel like she would have been okay even if a wreck for a while. How horrifying.


Agreed! The misogyny that has just been displayed is SICKENING.


Sorry, how was Nick an abusive rapist? It's been some time since I've seen it.


Not that I condone what Charlie did BUT saying she had a 'dedicated' boyfriend seems a little bit off - especially when he was cheating on her to.

2 Wrongs DON'T make a right but justifying one person's crap behaviour and not another's is stupid.
Both of them are just as bad as the other EXCEPT nothing justifies murder. The reaction was wrong.



The misogyny is strong in this post.
