The Ending.

I'm watching the movie and all of a sudden it was over just like that (POOF!) I couldn't believe it. Nothing was resolved. They were obviously going to take the kid in and make him part of the family, and suddenly the movie ends. The tiger is still alive and nothing has changed. They are still in the same predicament with a maneating tiger on the loose.

Did I miss something? Was there anything that would indicate what they intended to do about the Maneater? What was the connection to the kid and the tiger? For a while I thought it would be revealed that the kid was somehow connected to the tiger or he was somehow creating it.

Anyway I thought the were breaking for a commercial, and whey I realized the movie had ended, I was shocked and left scratching my head in disbelief. They seem to be doing this kind of thing a whole lot lately with endings and every time it happens, I feel like there is something wrong with my mind, like I fell asleep or something and missed a part of the movie which would explain what was going to happen next. It is like reading a book to the end and realizing that the last few pages are missing.



The ending was very touching. The kid became part of the family just like in the movie faceoff. Brings back good memories.


I worked on the movie and they never had the budget for a flaming tiger corpse!! oh well busey Rocks





The sheriff killed the tiger when he exploded the propane tank near the general store. After that, the sheriff's family adopting the little boy was all the closure the we needed so the movie ended. What's the point of continuing the movie after Maneater's dead?

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


The sheriff killed the tiger when he exploded the propane tank near the general store. After that, the sheriff's family adopting the little boy was all the closure the we needed so the movie ended. What's the point of continuing the movie after Maneater's dead?
Mr. Purple, if what you say is true, you are correct. There was closure. I do not remember actually seeing the tiger get blown up. Or we were supposed to assume he did. However, there are myriad movies in which the creature or beast is assumed to be dead but revives to continue to be a threat. I did 'get' that the boy was to be adopted and felt good about that.
I will have to watch the movie once more if they show it again and I am not so tired.


Lol. You can watch it again? From where? A mental hospital?




Well, I don’t LOVE Satan, but I am the head of the Worldwide Church of Satanic Liberation... And I was the main feature in the 1986 Paramont/Fangoria documentary Scream Greats Vol. 2: Satanism & Witchcraft. It’s here on IMDb.

About this movie — I liked it, and apparently you’re all missing the vague supernatural underpinnings.

Check out my 91 videos on YouTube under the name PDValentine.


Hey CWinst? Were you drinking heavily while watching this? When the hunter came out of the shadows he looked over at the burning tiger then back at Busey and nodded. i.e. It was DEAD.


The movie kinda sucked.... Marginally entertaining. I think I would've enjoyed it a lot more if some of the nosey reporters were eaten. I think all horror movies would be much more entertaining if more lawyers, politicians and news reporters were killed.


Hi CW,

They never showed the corpse so they could make "Maneater 2 The Zombie Tiger" And of course they would have to bring "Colonel Mustard" out of retirement with his Elephant gun.


the kid was linked t the tiger, cos when he was sleep walking, he caused the truck driver to swerve off the road, meaning he freed the tiger, so thats how they were linked.


The ending should have played more on that, not some rip off Jaws ending where the shark i mean tiger gets blown up, and quint I mean hunter dude comes back from the dead and nods his silent unspoken approval.

The whole blown up thing was so contrived the one time he chooses to shoot at the tiger when he has the worst possible opportunity he hits the propane which I don't think we ever see so a WTF did he just shoot moment occurs. Compared to the Tiger attacking the boys mum when the hunter does sweet Fa when if he doesnt shoot she's a goner fo sure, then theres cop running away rather than blowing his load over the tiger shortly after.

I did enjoy the middle (missed the beginning) but the ending was terrible.

Go to the IMDB Meg board and Check out summer 08's hit in the making


I agree the ending was a bit disappointing. I thought I had the whole thing figured out about halfway to 2/3 of the way in; with the India connection, I figured that the boy and/or his mother was a Rakshasha (an Indian were-tiger type creature/spirit which are also called "man-eaters"). I assumed that's why the boy had the dreams and why mom kept herself and the boy isolated.

Oh well - I was wrong!


The tiger did die when the gas tank exploded. There was no connection between the boy and the tiger, except in the mind of the boy. He had no knowledge of how wild animals behaved. He mistook the tiger's actions towards him as non threatening or even friendly, not understanding wild animals sometimes come in contact with humans and do not harm them. At the end, when the tiger notices the boy with the sheriff, briefly breaks off the attack and then the boy sees it trying to kill the sheriff, he possibly understood that the tiger was not acting previously out of any sense of a bond or friendliness.

