Complicated mess - a waste of 2+ hours

A two hour plus movie where in the first 90 minutes everything is a jumbled mess. Zero character development. Fancy graphics I'll admit - but damn this is on the top 50 animation list. OUCH!


you need to have seen the stand alone complex series to enjoy this movie.


Agreed I think the OP saw it more as an extension of the SAC series (which essentially it is) and nothnig more. Admitidelly I wasn't blown away with SSS simply for this very reason.

But you know what, why change soemthing that isn't broke? I still enjoyed it to an extent. The awesome sniper scene with Saito was pretty tense :)


I'm a huge fan of the SAC series and I felt completely let down by this movie.

Maybe GoiS should just stay as a TV series.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...
