Powerful scenes *Spoilers*

I just finished watching this movie and I am really, really impressed of how some scenes were extremely powerful!

The scene were Togusa perfoms suicide, great stuff! Especially when you hear the bang, Batou falls on his knees and togusa's daughter runs away.

And also when the major dove into the pupeteer's mind. It was like a flow of emotions and when he "transformed" his face into all those people.

I just had to shake these thoughts off:D

Anyone else who felt the same?



Great stuff.



Great stuff.


I just feel more intelligent just watching this series!




That's great, I've never thought of it that way! In my case I guess it's true as well, because I've spent so many hours online reading about the various concepts and theories they mention through the series and movie. I mean, day before yesterday I had no idea what a "Vanishing Mediator" was. Now I do!

Togusa's intended suicide scene was amazing. I have never felt so drawn in by three minutes of animation before. I think my neighbors might have thought I was going crazy, because I think I more or less shouted "GET HIM BATOU!!!" about five times. I can't be sure. I honestly thought it was all over when Batou dropped to his knees like that.


If the movie had been shown in theatres, there would have been a great crowd cheer when the Major appeared, cradling Togusa and holding his gun away from him.


i thought the scene where Proto was going to commit suicied was also very powerful. Proto doesnt even belong with Section 9, he's there to assist Aramaki, and gets sucked into this whole situation, and gets hacked. again.




the sniper scene was intense


I totally agree. The suicide scene was intense.
That movie overall is the best Ghost in the Shell in the whole series (I'm didn't see them in order and I'm still watching SAC 2nd Gig).
The only thing better than this is Death Note!

"Suck my ectoplasmic........." ;)
