A question regarding Togusa (Spoilers)

How did Motoko manage to save Togusa when he was trying to commit suicide?

You see the gun go off and he faints but then the Major grabs a hold of him and he wakes up with no blood visible. I don't get it though

Thanks in advance



...in thermoptic and surprises him at the last second pushing the gun away from his head just as he pulls the trigger. The gun goes off and the programming that made him try to kill himself ends causing him to faint and she catches him. You see her holding onto his arm with the gun still in hand when she becomes visible.

"Let's go drink till we can't feel feelings anymore."


I guess she put something like a blockade stick into the holes in his neck, that causes unconciousness and such, she pulled it out instantly after he faints.
That might be a possibility :o


first, she used Togusa as bait to find the culprit, she says she couldnt reveal herself till the final second, when Togusa had the gun to his head. the Major pointed the gun in a different direction and it fired.

he faints, for some reason.

Motoko then hardwire connects to Togusa's cyberbrain and thus, bringing him back from the Ghost Hack.

The following sentence is true. The preceding sentence is false.


That's not quite correct. The device held against the ports in the back of the neck is seen at other times during the series (and in Innocence as well). I don't know if it's ever given a name but it seems to complete disconnect the cyberbrain from both the body and the net, forcing it into an extreme 'autistic mode'. Judging from what Batou does in Innocence it's also possible to manually control the persons body using the device, rather like a game controller.


What happened is, through one swift motion, she placed his gun out of the way and plugged herself into him to dive his brain and chase back the signal from the Puppeteer. Brain diving either causes people to lose consciousness involuntarily, or she knocked him out while inside his head to keep the commotion to a minimum.
