So how will this fit into the timeline?

Will this fit in between 2nd Gig & GITS2:Innocence, or will it be after Innocence?
My guess is it fits into the middle, but if anyone knows I'd love to hear so I can know what to expect.


It won't fit in with the movies because the series is a separate entity to the big budget big screen films. Gigs one and two are excellent in their own right though, and I'm sure this will be too.


GITS and Innocence are a separate Parallel Universe.

SSS is 2 years after the end of 2nd Gig.


haven't seen sss and i really want to but i guess that the major has come back in sss or atleast a part of her into a familiar body. the production company puts a lot of thought into the series and i'd say sss is right after innocence. could be wrong though as i haven't seen it but that is how i would write it.


sprbdgrspc, it's well know that GITS S.A.C tv series and the first gits movie and Innocence are a separate Parallel Universe from each other. The new movie Solid State Society takes place in the gits sac tv series time line 2 years after 2nd gig has ended.


the outfits that they wore at the end of 2nd gig are simliar to the first ghost movie that is why i assume they are somehow related. i see what you are saying though and it makes me wonder which is canon then.


They are both canon, but GITS and GITS2:I are set in a parallel universe to the 2 GITS SAC series. In the SAC series, it is not the same Motoko Kusanagi who merged with the Puppet Master and took her ghost into the net, leaving behind her physical existance.

Don't get me started on the differences between the 2 Batou's....haha.


films are usually canon to the series but from what i've heard there are movies for both seasons of stand alone complex. from the development teams, who said they were set in a parallel universe?


I think you are a tad confused. The movies most people talk about are GitS and Innocence, but there were two Compilation DVDs that took the major points of each season of S.A.C. and condense them, similar to the Neon Genesis Evangelion "movie," "Death and Rebirth." Though they aren't technically canon, so much as a visual summary of each season.

It has been stated by many on the production teams including Masamune Shirow (the creator) and Mamoru Oshii (director of the theatrical productions) that Ghost in the Shell and Innocence are a parallel universe to the S.A.C. universe.

GitS takes place in 2029 and is then followed up by Innocence set in 2032.

S.A.C. starts in 2030, is continued in 2032 in 2nd Gig. 2nd Gig is then followed by S.S.S. which takes place in 2034.

Which are all separate from the Manga; however the Theatrical follows the story of the first manga series loosely.

Those are the canon time periods for each series and if you overlay the two timelines, its obvious that they don't match up to each other (ie. Innocence has Kusanagi gone from Section 9 for two years in 2032). Other differences include the lack of Tachikomas, Fuchikomas and Uchikomas in the Theatrical universe, Batou's attitude (this is kinda major), the inclusion of certain characters (Boma, Pazu) in S.A.C., etc.

For a detailed break down of the multiple paths that the GitS multiverse takes, head over to the Wikipedia article: at Be sure to scroll to the bottom and check the links for each movie/season.


hmmm, it's not confusing just kind of ... inconsistant.


It's not really all that inconsistant either; anything directed by Mamoru Oshii is one universe and anything carrying the S.A.C. designation is another. Many animated series/movies are like this, take Inuyasha or DragonBall for example. In fact, the only animated series I can think of, off hand, that the movie is canon to the TV series is The Transformers.


yeah, but now i feel obligated to decide which one is better =)


Oh, well that's easy! Stand Alone Complex, of course, is better. Why? Tachikomas. Easily the most interesting characters in the series; AIs trying to attain individuality when initially programed the same, their interactions with Batau are pretty fantastic and the Tachikomatic Days shorts are priceless. ^_^


Yeah the characters are great but I get annoyed by their voices :p.

All that we see or seem. Is it but a dream within a dream?



the tv series is very consistant with the Manga, so it is more 'true' than the two first films. The two first films completely stomp over what the Manga is about; action, politics, etc, and focus on philosophical debates.


Hmm, dunno about that. Usually I hate watching dubbed movies, but with anime I don't mind it that much. Especially when it's done as well as in this series. I don't understand Japanese and there's quite some depthy dialogue in the series. I just want to miss out on the great drawings while reading subs. Missing all that would be a waste and it's not like anime looks weird when it's dubbed, like with regular movies.

All that we see or seem. Is it but a dream within a dream?
