Question about music

When we see the Major entering her apartment for the first time there is some music playing. I saw the movie a little while ago so I can't remember exactly but i think it was with like violins and then a bell or something that is repeated every so often. The question I have is it reminds me a lot of music from another movie, I'm pretty sure its not animated, and I can't think of it. Its been bugging me. Maybe I'm just going crazy, but if anybody knows what it might be I would really appreciate. And by the way I loved the movie.


The music you are talking about but you don't know is from the movie called Mr. & Mrs. Smith and the movies soundtrack done by John Powell was released. On that album track 14 "Two Phone Calls" is the music you are looking for.


I've only seen that movie once, but I think you might be right. I'll check it out, thanks.
