Couldn't finish

I got about around 25 minutes into this movie and then my SO came home and joined me. We both agreed that it was boring and turned it off. Do you have to be a fan of the series to enjoy the movie? I usually like adult anime (Tokyo Godfathers, Millennium Princess, etc). The scene that did it was the one where the group of men were spouting off ENDLESS exposition about the plot. I don't need all action, but they just kept going! Did the writers ever hear of, "Show, don't tell"?



I think it's the nature of the setting to be intractely detailed. I suppose if it's not got some nooks & crannies it wouldn't really be Ghost in the Shell.

The good thing is that several of SAC season 1 shows were "one offs" meaning
you didn't really need to have been tuning in for the last five weeks to
follow them.

What I liked about the show (and I'm going to watch my recording tonight) was that
it twisted the existing show a bit, with familiar people in different roles.
Good for Togusa!

I thought the high point was the guy trying to kill the Major with his monster
bot and then her stealing Batou's car.

But overall I liked the show, mainly because the 30 minute eps I blink my eyes and they're over, and unless it was a real grabber, you feel, let down.

I still love the artwork. The only thing I've seen coming close was the Dark Fury for the Chronicles of Riddick. But I'm no anime expert.

Anyone else got "artwork extremes" ?
