Sci-Fi channel, what was that ?

It was nice that Sci-Fi made the attempt to air GITS SAC SSS - but I've got to say I was seriously disapointed. Not by SSS, but by Sci-Fi's lame presentation.

Airing 16:9 in a 4:3 mode? Everybody's head was mighty pointy ... And blurring the posterior views of the 'sexy' robots ... c'mon - the thing aired after 11 pm, give me a break.

At minimum, at least we got to watch it. But all it really did was make clear that the DVD release can't come soon enough.


yeah, first thing I thought: "squished"

see more flesh than that on Nick @ Night :)

At least it was better than 2nd Gig.


At least YOU got to watch it! LOL!

I had to be at work reeeally early, so I set my VCR to record it. Come home the next day, pop it in, curl up and watch it...

Kick-ass movie...all the way until the last thirty minutes or so. Dunno about the rest of it. Ran out of tape. *cries*

Now I've gotta wait until July 3rd. Sucks megatime. :/ Fweh.


July 3rd? Are they showing it again? That would be fabulous, I have a friend who missed it.

Is it still the Sci-Fi channel?


I think Selestia is refering to the Region 1 DVD ... which is curretnly available for pre-order with a release date of July3.


the aspect ratio was all messed up and the blurs were unnecessary

lets hope sci fi does a better job in the future

R.O.D the tv...nuff said
