GITS SAC SSS + others to air on Sci Fi Channel

Solid State Society will launch the Sci Fi Channel's new weekly anime block on June 11.

I cant wait.
I'll definitely be DVR-ing that even though I'll be buying it on DVD too.


reply theatrical release then? That kinda sucks, especially since the only reason I missed the screening at New York Comic Con was because the organizers couldn't get their act together and didn't even release their schedule until about a week before the con (i.e., MONTHS after everyone bought tickets). Oh well, I can't complain - at least I'll be able to see it (and even own it) in a few months.


god i love GITS but i hope they dont do what square did with final fantasy VII and have a million spin offs to where people get bored of it just to make cash. i love SAC and both movies but i hope they stop soon.




If the stories are good then keep making them.

It is a drag that something this well made is premiering on the SciFi channel. I realize 95% of the public wouldn't understand it. But Hollywood could at least throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks.

This is one of only a few things I will buy sight-unseen. It's worth it just for the soundtrack.


I was schocked to see this last night?heck is out on DVD? cuz it was awesome.....another GITS I definatly enjoyed.


R1 DVD July 3


Man I remember when they use to have anime on every Saturday morning on Sci-Fi at like 7 or 8 a.m. I didn't care if it was my lie-in day, I was up and watching whatever they threw at me (first time I ever saw Vampire Hunter D was on Saturday morning...yeeeeah baybee).

Don't mind if they keep makin' 'em, as long as they keep the credentials up. I actually like the SAC three better than the original and the Innocence one--at least the characters are more like they were originally suppose to be (as in manga-wise).

Speaking of manga...

*grovels at Shirow Masamune's feet*

...If only he would please-please-please-please-pleeeeeeeease finish the Appleseed manga (and maybe s'more GITS???) Oh, that'd be a dream come true...



I'm glad that a new audience may be brought into anime thanks to Sci-Fi (I had to work that night), but I have to wonder why it wasn't on Adult Swim where it belongs...

You know, shown in 16:9, with complete credits, no squeezebacks, no pop up ads, not to mention entertaining bumps...For some things, I'm not a fan of Trying to watch stuff on Sci-Fi...I guess I'll be buying a DVD on July 3rd, either way.
But I really do have to give them credit for showing it and making me aware of its existence. (I guess I was out of the loop on this one).
