May Be Packaged As 'Ghost In The Shell 3S'

I've been hearing an awful lot of talk, some from sources I definately would trust, that Banda/Manga Entertainment plan on packaging/hyping/promoting
this as "Ghost in the Shell 3" or "Ghost in the Shell 3S", with an emphasis on
it being the third Ghost in the Shell film.

And quite honestly, I definately support that. Hell, I say call it "Ghost in the Shell 3" and give it a limited run in theatres, followed by a dvd release the following month.

I absolutely hated GITS 2 Innocence, and to me Solid State Society seems like THE REAL sequel to the first film.

I definately believe they will be promoting this, at least infirring it is the third Ghost in the Shell film(which it is)


Where have you been hearing this talk? There has been no press from Bandi/Manga stating anything about calling this GitS3 (though GitS:S.A.C. S3 [as in cubed] could be appropriate...Solid State Society...).

Everything official about SSS has been direct to DVD; no theatrical release. What with the alternate universe that S.A.C. takes place in.

And your comment about "THE REAL sequel" couldn't be more wrong. S.A.C. and it's derivatives have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Theatrical releases.

And if you are trusting sources that are making claims like that (seriously, Production/IG won't let Bandi/Manga do something like that)...I've got some beach front property for sale out in Kansas I'll sell you REEEEAAAAAL cheap. ^_^


yeah, screw that, when's sss coming to the us of a?


Bandi/Manga is supposed to release it stateside sometime in 2007. I would guess late spring or early summer.


Solid State Society will have its film debut at New York Comic Con (February 23-25 in Manhattan)

Man I hope they drop the "SAC" from the name, way too long.


Sweet deal. Means that the DVD should come out in March or April. Though I doubt the SAC will be dropped.



They're not that stupid-they'll keep it just to make certain everone knows it's part of the SAC timeline, NOT a sequel to the films.

If I have to hear "Yamo Be There" one more time, I'm going to "Yamo" burn this place to the ground.


As, somewhat, said before. This is not true. You couldn't call it the third movie because it really isn't. It deviates from the other movies lines, a totally different way.

The movies that were realeased before are done pretty much how the director/producer wanted them done, he doesn't really follow the manga line. The same is with S.A.C. and SSS, they follow their director/producers line and are totally different, so in no way could it be packaged as the third movie.

On top of that, the S.A.C./SSS series are more closely related to the Manga then the movies.


You make a good point, Personally I would never refer to it as the "Third" movie. The SAC and SSS DO follow the manga. It should also be noted that SSS is not the end of the SAC stoyline. Several reps at Produciton IG and Bandai have already confirmed there will be another story following the events in SSS. Whether this will mean another season of SAC or another TV movie has yet to be determined.

If I have to hear "Yamo Be There" one more time, I'm going to "Yamo" burn this place to the ground.


Actually, Ghost in the Shell 2 had nothing to do with any story canon, the manga, the man machine interface sequel, etc. And a lot of the first movie is from the 1995 Dark Horse series. So this whole 'following canon' is irrelevent.

For all intensive purposes, this is a third Ghost in the Shell movie.


I don't know if anyone will read this, but if you care...

Both seasons of SAC were summed up in "movies". So yes, there is a SAC Laughing Man Movie and an Individual Eleven Movie, (they were released in Japan in theatres) so you could say that SSS is in fact the THIRD MOVIE released in the STAND ALONE COMPLEX series, only it didn't come from a third season, it is a STAND ALONE MOVIE!!!! (That sounds good to me).

These 2 movies I am referring to are basically summaries of the plots from both seasons, plus a few minor things added to join it all together.

There used to be a couple of torrents very active with them. They are a great way of catching up on you Ghost In the Shell TV shows if you missed something in the story line...

PS: If I ever have a daughter, I MIGHT consider calling her MOTOKO :)
