Satou's gullibility

I just finished watching this series. Overall I liked it. Really I did, but the main character really bugged me at points. He's not that likable for one thing, but there was something else that kept grating my nerves:

Did anyone else get annoyed by how gullible Satou was? I mean, I could understand it at the beginning of the series, but later on (during the pyramid scheme arc) I was almost banging my head on the desk for how dumb the characters acted.

Another surprising thing was how Satou acted when Yamazaki told him that he could get porn online. The guy's been shut in for three years but he never used the internet for porn?


Oh my God, I'm so glad someone else thought that. I couldn't believe it when he starts looking at porn on the net and he can't believe his eyes. Funny scene but still, really...three years and he never once thought of it?

I also didn't really like Satou generally. I'm not sure if you're supposed to. The guy who recommended this anime to me really did but I found him really annoying and slightly...creepy?

Policeman: Did you realise that paper's upside down?
Eddie: Errr so are my eyes....


Japanese porn is censored, as in, the genitals are blurred out. I'm pretty sure the porn that he discovered was from another country, so it was uncensored, and that's why he was so amazed.


Okay, so this thread is a bit old, but I felt the need to comment. I have not finished watching the series, yet. I am currently watching the part where he gets involved in the pyramid scheme. Sato's gullibility is annoying. Also, he's just generally unlikable. I also find Sato's friend Yamazaki very unlikable. Yamazaki seems to get angry just about every time he speaks. Both Sato and Yamazaki are rude and cruel to Misaki.

I'm mostly watching the dubbed version on Hulu, and I think this may have something to do with how unlikable some of the characters are and how unbelievable some of their dialogue sounds. I've gotten a few episodes on DVD via Netflix, and I compared the Japanese audio and English subtitles with the dubbed English audio. At least for the episode that I looked at, the Japanese audio was less melodramatic than the English audio and the English subtitles had more believable dialogue than the English dubbed script.
