MovieChat Forums > Super Troopers 2 (2018) Discussion > raising money for this movie?

raising money for this movie?

Please tell me they're joking by asking the general public to donate in order to get this movie made? I watched a video a while ago and couldn't tell if they were serious about getting donations from us. Desperation is a stinky cologne...


I'm surprised they're doing a kick-starter for this too. I get that Blue Mountain State and Veronica Mars needed one. But what studio isn't willing to back Super Troopers 2?

Also, they made the first movie as a bunch of unknowns with no money...just maxed out credit cards as I recall. How do they not have money meow?


I don't understand how people just can't comprehend why people want/need to fund movies themselves via crowdsourcing. I think there is a huge misconception of what studios are willing to invest in and how much power they will have over the final product.

As far as the first film being successful, that means squat. Anchorman gained a huge cult following so it seemed like a safe bet for Anchorman 2 to get the same acclaim right? Well, it wasn't that great and has thus far raked in just over 2 million. A far cry from the 50 mil budget. They're right to be skeptical of a sequel to a movie so highly regarded. The idea is always gangbusters, but the finished product can most certainly be a huge disappointment.

Plus, if they fund it themselves they're not going to have to answer to a bunch of suits when expenses aren't recouped.


As far as the first film being successful, that means squat. Anchorman gained a huge cult following so it seemed like a safe bet for Anchorman 2 to get the same acclaim right? Well, it wasn't that great and has thus far raked in just over 2 million. A far cry from the 50 mil budget.

Whaa? You got the budget right ($50 million according to sister site boxofficemojo). But ANCHORMAN 2 made over $127 million US and over $173 million WW.


Yikes! I was way off. Alright, bad example. However, there is no assurance that a sequel will be well received or financially successful. I can understand the risk from a studio perspective, and also the need for them to try to execute some sort of creative control based on what has been financially successful in the past. And for Broken Lizard being the creators, I can understand why they would want little to no input from analysts looking at statistics.

Either way, crowdsourcing gets things made the way people want to make them, and the donors are contributing at their own will. I just don't see the problem.


it wasn't that great and has thus far raked in just over 2 million. A far cry from the 50 mil budget.

Anchorman 2 made $8m in the FIRST NIGHT. I'm guessing your $2m is an estimate of how much it made the first hour ?


I already said I was wrong about that. Do you just like kicking dogs while they're down?


So you're flustered by the fact that the crew is seeking crowdfunding for their passionate project, in which they'll have full creative freedoms over. As opposed to selling out by whoring it over to some rinky dink film studio (i.e. Weinstein Company) who would finance the movie but in return take creative liberties with it by trying to make it their own?

Trying to comprehend some people's arguments is fruitless.


Huh? Did you mean to respond directly to me? Or the OP? I'm all for them crowdfunding. Everyone should do it. It has great results.


Looks like they made more than enough to fund their movie. Hope you don't waste your time or money to watch this sequel. I'd hate for you to be entertained.


I can't believe they can't simply get a studio to fund it. My god, the first part was so hilarious and it's gotten a following ever since being on cable. Unless part 2 has a horrible script I can't imagine it not being able to pull off a decent profit.


I don't remember all the specifics but one of the reasons why it has taken so long to get this made was because of a lawsuit between Broken Lizard and Fox Searchlight. I just watched the indigogo video and they are still working with Fox Searchlight so it sounds like part of the deal was for them to raise $2 million on their own. The fans got them $2 million in a day or so and a total of a lil over $4 million by the end of the campaign. I don't see the problem of crowd funding especially when even $10 gets you a perk. I've personally never done it but wish I had for a few including Super Troopers 2.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure outside of Super Troopers and Beerfest the other Broken Lizard movies weren't considered successful and might be another issue between Broken Lizard and Fox Searchlight.

