To the haters

This was really good. Not as good as EOE but still really good.


It's honestly my favorite thing to come out of the franchise. I love it.


The reactions to this remind me of the reactions to EoE. Back then, people were MAD. Yet now it's pretty fondly remembered. I agree with the above poster- this might be my favorite thing the series has ever produced.

I've been an Evangelion since the BEGINNING, and I remember analyzing the themes and trying to figure out the plot. After awhile, I got a pretty good grip on the series and movie and LOVED introducing it to newcomers and helping them understand it. I've introduced so many people to the series that there really wasn't much surprise. Even with 2.22's changes, wonderful as they are, nothing really blew me back like in 1997.

Imagine my surprise when I sit down and watch 3.33 and found myself suddenly thrown back to my teenage years of being utterly confused yet completely blown away. I've watched 3.33 bordering on 10 times now and lots of stuff still confuses me, but I still continue to think about it and put it together. I love the way it stimulates my mind and makes me think. Sometimes when I watch movies, I play on my phone or my attention drifts, but every time I've seen this I'm completely absorbed and paying attention and soaking up every last detail.

I love this movie.


What does this exactly tell us? You liked it? Fine. Not as good as EOE? I agree, but EOE wasn't very good to begin with.

And since seem to defend this movie quite a lot, care to explain a few things for me? This is an excerpt from one of my earlier posts on this board.

Did you miss the gaping plot holes (Wille showing up at the last minute despite knowing all along where Shinji is and what he's going to be used for)? The incomprehensible characterization (Mari and Asuka seemingly not having matured for one bit despite both being 28 years old, Misato not telling Shinji anything for no good reason)? The endless barrage of weird things that remain completely unexplained (Lilith's corpse in terminal dogma, Eva-06 being inside it, the mountain of skulls around the corpse, Eva-01 suddenly floating in orbit in a cube-cross, Gendo needing Shinji specifically for unexplained reasons, Wille's foundation, motives, etc.)? The fact that nothing has been achieved by the end of the movie, with the possible exception of Kaworu's death?


I should have said more in the OP, so I will say this- I thought it was great because there was a great story, the mystery made it interesting and the apocalyptic style was great. It was a great twist from the original. I know there is a lot unexplained but the point of the Evangelion franchise is interpretation. It follows in the style of the original anime but there is something new. Eva is supposed to keep use guessing. There is also a lot unexplained in EOE.
