Wait a second!

So is this movie continues story from Evangelion 2.0, i mean, right where 2.0 ended, with EVE being impaled right before it started the Third Impact?
I mean, logic way is that it does, since 2.0 continues from 1.0 :)


Yes it does, but since it's so completely detached from the two previous movies thanks to the completely unjustified time jump and has so many changes in every way it might as well be its own film with no relation to Evangelion at all.


^Terrible opinion.

To the OP: I expected it to pick up from right after...I was like you in thinking that made sense.

But as Evangelion has done in the past, my expectations were completely subverted and I was blown away by the new direction this film took...

Among the Best Trailers Ever


You were blown away by Evangelion turning into a silly cartoon, essentially becoming the anti-thesis to what the show was originally all about?


Silly? Why? I mean, it did have plotholes the size of the Bismark, character development was confined to only two, and the second act dragged on for too long, but silly? It never gave me that impression, lazy yes...

Expand please.


Don't call EVA names if all you have to bring to the table are your twarted expectations. So you didn't expect the time jump and you didn't expect the whole movie to be calmer and more psychological: big deal. I guess that's the reason we aren't watching your movie, but Hideaki Anno's? So let the Anno speak.


Where does he mention "thwarted expectations?". I don't even see the word "expectation" mentioned in his post, or anything implying that the movie wasn't what he expected it to be.


Use your head, don't make stupid questions. When one says that something is "completely detached from the two previous movies" he means he had a standard in mind based on those. Duh.


Oh, you were referring to MY post. I thought you were responding to the post right above you, since you had replied to it, not mine. And believe me, thwarted expectations were the least of my problems with the film. I knew it was going to be completely different before watching it anyway, since I'd read the review on Kotaku.


I don't see how you can call it an anti-thesis of NGE, considering Eva 3.0 retains the same post-modern nature of the show that deconstructs the hero/mecha genre.

I'd hate to take a bite outta you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.


Kaworu did end 3rd impact; if he hadn't, the world would be in complete ruin. In this case, it's been ravaged, but some people are still alive. However, clearly Gendo (or maybe Seele) restarted the whole thing, because Kaworu ended the impact way too early for anything to be as damaged as it is in this film; also, Ritsuko and Misato where extremely close to where the impact would have occurred. They wouldn't be alive unless the impact was finished sometime later.

Clearly, *beep* went down while Shinji was out, which is why I'm almost 100% sure that the final movie will have a dual flashback/flashforward story. There was a titanic battle involving Lilith, some type of human military (crashed fighter), .Mark 06, at least one (but possibly two) Angels that we didn't see. The 12th Angel is killed in 3.0 but the 11th Angel that hasn't so much as been mentioned yet. Asuka also knew about the 12th Angel and was surprised to find it alive. Lilith seemed to be running away from something before she died. So much obviously happened during the time-skip that I firmly believe at least some of it will be addressed in the final film. If Anno didn't plan to address it he would have simply made the 12th Angel the 11th Angel.
