No emotional impact

They somehow succeeded into making this part a 90 minutes mindless action movie.

I mean, the part in the series with Kaworu befriending Shinji who then in the end turns out to be another angel, who Shinji then has to kill to stop him from getting to Lilith... That's some heavy stuff right there, and you could really feel the conflict of emotions that Shinji was in at that moment: killing the only friend who showed affection towards him...

It's the main part in this movie, but it's emotional impact has been reduced to zero. When Kaworu told Shinji he's an Angel and then exploded... didn't do anything for me. And that's what everything in this movie feels like. It's a coldhearted bastard. Were supposed to feel for the stuff that happened in these 14 years, but we don't because nothing is really explained.

Shinji's biggest supporter Misato is now his enemy, with her flying boat squadron, his pop still wanting to finish Third (Fourth?) impact... Really, did they come up with this dumb script after a night of heavy drinking or what!?!
