MovieChat Forums > Evangelion Shin Gekijôban: Kyu (2012) Discussion > Am I the only one that doesn't hate this...

Am I the only one that doesn't hate this film?

Spoiler alert (finally saw this film and would like as less of a troll-filled discussion as possible...I'm asking for to much with y'all):

The film was really good to me after actually watching it. Sure the dope scenes with what was supposed to be Eva 3.0 were nowhere to be found, but most of them you can closely consider them to be the prequel to this change up. Going in with that may ease the tension about this film.

Things I can't stand about this film: Misato. She can get hit with an Eva fist in the face twice. Human nature caused this film to happen (storyline wise) and it wouldn't have happened if Misato just let her unnecessary anger subside and told Shinji what was going on in the first place. And Gendo. I would back up this dude constantly, but Gendo can get slapped with a box of baby penises for basically becoming Kiel Lorenz mentally as well as physically. No need to screw your child further than that Finally, the lack of explanation on the character Mari (she gets love from me because she is important when it comes to battles), and what happened during the 14 year jump (besides what is now considered the "backstory" of this film in the 2.22 preview).

And anyone thinks Shinji is whiny should seriously rewatch this entire Rebuild up to this point again. First off, the kid doesn't shed one tear since the end of film one until the end of film three and probably wouldn't considering what the hell just happened. This time, these events aren't his fault per say. Sure he should have listened to Kaworu-who Shinji explicitly states "knew everything"-and not pull out the spears, but then once again, that wasn't completely Shinji's fault that Kaworu became the final angel and the trigger at the last minute .

So yeah...I thought it was genius. Add the epic BGM all the way thru and you got some emotional contemplation. Inspired me on stories I want to write for my characters. What, y'all don't like thinking about stuff? You mad the hero is mentally screwed for no fair reason at all? I'm waiting for 4.0 to come out hopefully this year because if Anno makes me wait until 2014 on how Shinji's going to get himself out of the mental hellhole he's been put thru him and I will have problems.

Shinji is royally F'd in the B. Royally and mentally F'd in the B. And this time blame everyone else but him. And what's with the obsession of decapitating Kaworu? I mean damn, is it the kool thing to do if that's your name and this is the series you happen to be in?


how did you see this... HOW DAMNIT??? and there is going to be another? ARE YOU SERIOUS? i found a torrent i'll download later, i bought the first to films purely by accident having stumbled across them at 7-ll and best buy. I'm a fan of the original series and the 2 movies one made to fix the quirky bizarreness of the other (loved them both) so i'm sure this wouldn't phase me in the least if i could get my grubby mitts on it. I like the changes to Shinji so far, he's manned up a bit especially in the second film. Gendo mysterious as ever i don't know what he's up to tha sneaky bastard... but i must see this

The night is dark and full of terrors. Save us from the scary things


saw the horrible cam bootleg...besides it being sideways 90% of the film and the operator of the camera is either falling asleep, forgetting he is filming the damn thing or has the shakes it seems rather good. I watched it on my ps3 so i didn't see get the subs, going to watch it on my computer later. but visually its fantastic. Masato seems to have gone rogue, Gendo is up to his old tricks and Rei seems so weird...something is amiss and won't be resolved til the next flick previewed at the very end. I recommend waiting for a retail copy to surface, the bootleg is unwatchable by most normal people... i am obsessed so i can bare the misery...

The night is dark and full of terrors. Save us from the scary things


This film reverted and undid it's initial intention of making Shinji likable. Now what it did succeed on is the fact that they made Shinji's psyche more accessible and understandable. He gets alot of flack for being whiny and scared. But they nailed it when it comes to his traumatic portrayal. Imagine your friends head blowing up infront of you and having people constantly not tell you the truth. It's sad and frustrating.

One ring to rule them all


I'd probably be near catatonic too if all that happened. It's frustrating indeed.


No. 3.0 makes the entire Rebuild of Evangelion suddenly meaningful. The previous two movies were great but for the most part they were retreads of Evangelion. 3.0 has taken the story, characters & world into new uncharted territory & is a great film! It's the best & most focused of the three Rebuild films so far.

I love it. Can't wait to see what it all leads to in 4.0.

There. It's on the Internet. Thus it's official


I really liked (in 8 minute spurts on you tube subbed) 3.0! It was really different. I wonder if Kowaru let Shinji inside his AT field to let Shinji be able to play the piano like that. But the fact Misato & Ritsuko leave Nerv make things very interesting. The ending of Kyu was very E.o.E in a way though it is NOT over yet. Poor Shinji not knowing what during that 13 year period has us all asking questIons... Rei... Is again...not the Rei were left with! Can't wait to see how they are goin to end this Rebuild series....yet there are weird little hints how it might be a continuation...while they keep saying it's not. Kowaru acts differently than he did in 2.22.... Anyone else notice that?



Although the film could have used some tighter editing during the middle act and none of the new characters stand out much to me, I enjoyed it on the same level as the previous Rebuilds. The opening sequence was stunning, the soundtrack was moving and the climax was bonkers enough to make me super-duper hyped for 4.0. Which is going to be a bit of a pain, as I only just saw 1.0 and 2.0 last summer.

The rating really needs to be boosted up to 7.2 or so.

"We're fighting for pride, dammit! Ain't no one-legged hobo gonna knock me off my whiskey!"


I love the movie and i think it was mindblowing. So, no, you are not alone.

I´m Commander Shepard and Liara is the hottest girl in the galaxy.


Are you people clinically retarded? It was everything but that.
It was unfocused. The action has become generic super powered mecha. The use of CGI was dreadful. The characters have become parodies of themselves, and no longer have any psychological basis in reality. While the physics have always been dodgy in Eva, they went completely *beep* with that stupid looking ship that can sustain N2 hits. The supposed symbolism was heavy handed and stupid, and plot points were either completely left out or explained outright. Misato has suddenly become a Captain Harlock.
Also, how can they build that technological travesty of a ship, given that civilization seems to have been destroyed, and they have to resort to civilians to pilot it? At least old NERV was supported by heavy funding when civilization was still intact, and damage to EVA or structures actually had somewhat realistic consequences.

The show no longer has the psychological basis that gave the characters depth. There's no normal environment for characters to interact with in contrast to them being pilots. Gone are the consequences of destruction, the painstaking rebuilding after every fight, the international background plot, the organizational conflicts, the meticulous planning that goes into each fight and everything that kept it grounded. The overarching mysticism and symbolism that makes up background was deliberately kept vague in the original series was a huge part of the atmosphere, while now it's shoved down our throat to the point where it's just painful to watch.

Basically, it was generic, pandering, shallow and full of visual shortcuts in the form of CGI. It's likt he old Simpsons versus the new. The characters are still there, but they're just empty shells of something that was once great.


Your opinion is worth as much as anyone else, so, calling clinically retarded anyone who doesn´t agree with you, is nothing more that trolling and being an idiot.

I´m Commander Shepard and Liara is the hottest girl in the galaxy.


No, it's not an insult. I genuinely believe that a person must be suffering from some kind of mental disorder when they praise a movie that does a 180 from the old Evangelion and basically turns it into a Michael Bay flick.

Nothing of what made Evangelion good in the first place is left in the movie.


If you don´t consider an insult calling everyone that doesn´t agree with you clinically retarded, perhaps you should look in the mirror, because something is not right with you.

I´m Commander Shepard and Liara is the hottest girl in the galaxy.


I can see your pain, and really, I agree with everything you said, but come on, don't be disrespectful.

Although I must say I do believe in wrong opinions, so there's that.

Greetings from Colombia!


Are you people clinically retarded?
You lose any kind of validity with this sentence you know that?

'And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, O Lord bless this thy hand grenade'
