95Mins version?

imdb info is 106mins
but Hong Kong theaters release only 95mins

so 106mins version is 3.33
95mins version is 3.0?

is that right?


A studio ghibli short ran before the movie in its theatrical run. It's a movie Hideaki Anno produced, so it's relevent, but it has nothing to do with Eva. Think the shorts that run before Pixar movies. The 106 min runtime takes both into account, while 3.0 and 3.33 are 95 minutes.

Unlike 1.11 and 2.22, 3.33 does NOT feature any new scenes so it has exactly the same runtime as the theatrical version. It's been reported that a lot of scenes have been reanimated or had minor tweaks, thus justifying the change to 3.33, but that's it.


There are no new additional scenes in 3.33 than there were in the theatrical. I do believe there might be two or three new single shots in the big action scenes to help make a certain movement flow better but that's it. A lot of the animation has had minor tweaks to better then but not much else.

The movie without credits in theaters & on BD/DVD is exactly 90 minutes.

And an excellent movie too!

There. It's on the Internet. Thus it's official
