MovieChat Forums > Antichrist (2009) Discussion > How disturbing is this film?

How disturbing is this film?

I've seen two LVT films in my life... Melancholia (literally 2 hours ago - loved it) and Dancer in the Dark (really liked it) and have always dismissed Antichrist for some reason. I just always assumed it wasn't worth watching, but I can see that some people think it is absolutely fantastic so perhaps it is well worth watching. However, I must admit I'm not great with eerie, disturbing films. I'm fine with gore and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre type films but when it comes to chilling, disturbing films, I struggle.

I don't want to know if you think it's good or bad, because I know I will receive a wide array of differing opinions, I just want to know - how freaky and disturbing it is, especially for one who doesn't deal with such films well.


I deal with disturbing very well, and I think Antichrist is the most disturbing film I've ever seen. It really packs a psychological punch, which stayed with me for days. So I wouldn't recommend it in your case.

Purgatory...You weren't really sh_t, but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham.


Okay thanks... and I've been home alone for a couple of weeks in a kind of unfamiliar house so that probably wouldn't help.


Nah, it wouldn't. I just spent a few days on holiday in a wooded area, and when I had to go to the bathroom at night, THIS movie was in my head. Not fun!

Purgatory...You weren't really sh_t, but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham.


HAAA? this movie was so tame, i was expecting so much but my god, i suppose seeing willam defoes ass is pretty disturbing, but apart from that, it really was not that bad. if you want disturbing, watch The Divide


The divide wasn't that disturbing either, no more so than anti-christ


no way divide is not disturbing at all , if u want disturbing watch :
Begotten (1990)
Hei tai yang 731 (1988)
Philosophy of a Knife (2008)
they not just disturbing they too sick too watch
if u want some disturbing masterpiece try:
Strange Circus (aka Kimyô na sâkasu) (2005)


The most disturbing film is "A Serbian Film" no match for this thing .


There is nothing more disturbing then "A Serbian Film". Real life snuff films aren't even as disturbing!


As a guy who turned to internet snuff films and shock videos for thrills after exhausting an extensive list of horror movies...

Yeah. A Serbian Film tops any snuff film I've seen. I was *beep* up for a week after watching it, and I got tricked into watching it again with a friend who had never seen it before. Had to watch videos of kittens for an hour just to get some sleep that night.

Seriously, DO NOT watch A Serbian Film. If you're thinking "hur hur weak-ass nerds and 'controversial' movies hurhurhur i can do it," YOU ARE MOST LIKELY WRONG. Faces of Death is like Sesame Street. Martyrs is Barney. Human Centipede 2? You may as well be watching Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Nothing can ever prepare you for A Serbian Film.


I watched "Srpski Film" a few months ago and found it a really good film. I rated it 8/10. But I wouldn't watch it again.


Really? I was intrigued by Serbian Film but didn't watch it because the plot just didn't sound that interesting to me. I read about the baby scene and thought "yeah I guess that sounds kind of disturbing" but there are people on the news getting arrested for that stuff in real life already so the concept isn't really novel or extreme anymore. Is the entire movie very disturbing or is that really the only part that shocks people? I feel like if I go into it expecting it to be insanely disturbing, my expectations will already be so high that they won't be met.


a serbian film was not that disturbing....


i suppose seeing willam defoes ass is pretty disturbing

So, the blood ejaculation scene wasn't disturbing to you?


are you sure about that?


I'm in the same boat, I have seen most of LVT films and I've always wanted to watch this but I have a huge problem with genital mutilation, by blood pressure drops just just by talking about it. That's the only reason why I haven't still seen this and probably never could. A shame :(

Og hér ert Þú, glósóli...


I have given Antichrist 10outof10, but in some scenes i literally looked away from the screen which i've otherwise only done in irreversible by gaspar noe.
I never wanna watch Antichrist again, but the feelings me and my friend came out of the movie with, discussing everything from meanings of the film, life relationsships etc. Is something i'll never forget, i wouldn't advise anyone to see it with their partner though, there are some gender issues in this movie which could really hurt a relationsships.


I haven't seen the movie yet (will see it tonight probably), but how on earth could watching a movie together hurt a relationship if there wasn't already something profoundly wrong with it?


"i wouldn't advise anyone to see it with their partner though, there are some gender issues in this movie which could really hurt a relationsships."

Haha, what?


wow, such gender.. much issues... not watch!


Yes, this film is nothing (in terms of graphic violence) compared to Irreversible.

The room's a wreck, but her napkin is folded.


I just cannot watch any kind of paranormal activities even in a movie, they 'haunt' me a lot if I do but then the problem is that there're extra-ordinary movies made in this genre, so what do I do?
I start watching such movies and carry on up to the 'tolerable' point (of course with a finger on the stop button of remote-commander)! LOL!
I have a list of half a dozen such movies which I'm never going to watch again and finish.
(By the way, I have already finished watching 'Antichrist' upto 1(one) hour of run time, lets see what happens in the next and last session)!


To original poster: I sort of share your opinion. I love a lot of Von Trier movies and TV projects, like Epidemic, Europa, Element of Crime, The Kingdom TV series that Stephen King ended up ripping off, The Idiots, the Boss of It All...the last two are comedies...and he goes great at comedies.

But the movies I don't like are the one that seem horribly misogynistic. Breaking the Waves was like this, but it passed for me. It was ok. Dancer in the Dark, the same, made a bit better with Bjork singing and Dogville...which had an experimental set idea going. I ignored it for the most part...but this seems just more of the same. Like Lars just does not like women...why, I have no idea? What did we ever do to him?

So with this one and another one in the works called Nymphomaniac (oh holy Lord), I just don't see myself viewing Von Trier unless he jumps into comedy or even comedy horror again. I love his style of filming and the whole fairy tale gone bad Disney forest style of Antichrist, from what I read, should be right up my alley, what a bad pun.

I also know that Von Trier has expressed his "nature is evil" thoughts in other films. I've never felt nature to be evil and I grew up in the country, where I would see a mix of natural beauty and also dead bodies of animals half eaten. I have never thought to morally judge this, since animals aren't people and they need to eat and kill their prey, like we slaughter cows. It's very off putting to a girl who grew up revering nature and seems a very Christian viewpoint, that the world itself is evil...then I always thought why would God create a world that was evil...well, then people say Satan did it...but didn't God create Satan. I gave up on the weird contradictions of the Bible a long time ago. But what I didn't give up on was the balance and beauty of nature.

But maybe I am the type of woman Von Trier would hate. I don't play into nature being evil or women being bad. I think men have been repressors and Von Trier is doing a good job of pushing the hate around, when he could be doing more beautiful or even more interesting, if not gorey, ideas. Maybe all this idol ideology is from his depression, he is from that Scandinavia depression belt, but does he really have to take it out on us women?

I mean, if I could watch this from the point of view I have read about the child being the Antichrist and his death puts all this hate into motion...maybe I can get through it. The poster and other stills look good and I am curious about the "chaos reigns" fox. It's on Netflix screening, so I guess I could just fast-forward to that...I am very torn about it.

I am curious about seeing Melancholia too, which looks like a much better movie in terms of plot line and meaning.

Don't get me wrong, I love odd movies, love David Lynch, Alejandro Jodorowsky, The Panic Movement, Fernando Arrabal, etc. Or ones that have graphic sex or violence in them...if that has a point, as it does with Jodorowsky. Von Trier just puts me off a lot and it's sad because Europa is one of my favorite movies of all time and The (original) Kingdom one of the best TV shows I've seen...I was so anxious to see more...but some of his films I just don't want to see, because either I've seen the same metaphors being used to death or it is just a rehash of old woman-hating themes.


Well if you have seen even a decent horror movie this will have nothing that shocks you. I was actually expecting way more that what was in it.

Though what someone considers gruesome is up to the individual.


wait. this isn't a statement about women in general. IE: whenever She initiated sex, She was using it to distract herself from feeling guilt about her son's death. that changes everything, I think. and He distracted himself by playing the Hero Shrink. for both parents, it's all too human (which opens up a whole new converation about human nature generally & so many other things in the movie).

it's not even a hundred per cent that events transpired as She recalls them. there's too much metaphor to take that for granted, and guilt has a way with messing with people: grieving parents usually go through a phase where they're unduly harsh on themselves. (this bit's a ??, I'll probably be back and forth on this point)

I'm not sure She was into witchcraft, but the point about the shoes is something new & really interesting.

I can't stand gore, so that's the only thing that initially put me off the film. the violence is so incredibly ugly that yes, it's disturbing, but scary? not in a ghastly ghostie kind of way.

fever built a bridge, reason tore it down.


You should see the movie, and you should definitely never call a work of art an awful name like misogynistic without having viewed it. That is true PREJUDICE. Lars von Trier is actually more sympathetic to the female gender than the male. The male in this movie does appear to be a repressor. The woman commits the evil acts, but the male represents the source, and is a more disdainful person. This is felt at the very powerful end of the movie, with the voice of generations of women. Lars isn't "misogynistic" because he hates women, he's "misogynistic" because he refuses to leave this evil unexplored.


To quote Geena Davis in "The Fly,":

"Be very afraid."


Don't waste your time watching this movie it's a 1/5. It's not disturbing it's very disappointing!



In my opinion. Watch it if you feel comfortable within yourself to. Don't take what others say because everybody is different. Different tasts, different ways of thinking etc etc. I haven't seen it but i do want to despite th comments above :)


Whenever people say "oh, it's so disturbing", I'm usually like "Yeah, yeah, whatever" because I've seen a lot of crazy ass movies. I was ecstatic to get my hands on this when it came out on DVD, and I've only watched it three times since. It's a difficult movie. It's demented on a purely psychological level, and the visual graphic elements add to it. It's a frightening movie, although nothing particularly scary happens in it. It's got an extremely weird vibe to it and it makes me uncomfortable every time I watch it. The last time I watched it was at my friend's mom's house when she was house sitting. Her mom lives in a cabin in the middle of the woods, so it was an even creepier experience because of that.
