Best episodes

#9 Encounter.

Man when L tells light he's L, and then Light goes back to his home calmly but then locks himself in his room and snaps and says "he got me!"

#15 Wager

Light is ready to kill L, but L tell him "oh Misa has been arrested"

#16 Decision

When Light goes into confinement when L says "what's going on here" and then at the end when Kira starts killing again and L says "I don't understand what's going on here". It's just so frustrating for someone as brilliant as him to be unable to figure out the puzzle Light set

#25 Silence

Really ? Seriously ? Do I need to explain why is this such a great episode ?


The episode where Naomi Misora dies should be among your list, most messed up episode of all time


The potato chip episode.


The first episode, the episode where L first confronts Kira over the TV, and the Misora Naomi episode are my favorites. Yours are great too though.


I liked the second to last one a lot as well
