MovieChat Forums > Death Note: Desu nôto (2007) Discussion > So... What exactly makes Light better t...

So... What exactly makes Light better than Higuchi?

Rem was slagging off Higuchi to Misa, though she didn't approve of Light much either she seemed to think of Higuchi as worse.
Higuchi got the notebook and used it to advance in his company to a higher position then to eliminate rivals of the Yotsuba group. He wanted to be Kira and use the notebook to obtain money and power. He didn't seem to care much about the criminals he was killing. Must have just been scared of Rem or something so went along with what she had told him to do.
Light on the other hand well the first two names he wrote were selfless and for a good cause. After that killing as many criminals in jail as he could, that was going a bit too far. Also killing people who said he was evil, does a world run by Kira not allow free speech? But anyway did he really care about punishing people who had done wrong? No, he did it because he wanted to create a new world and be as he called it, "God of the New World." In theory he was just doing what Higuchi had tried only on a much bigger scale. Higuchi wanted to advance his position to a top class businessman while Light wanted to advance to being seen as a god.


Killing for money is petty, killing to create a better world is admirable. The difference should be obvious.


Not really a better world, he was killing people who didn't approve of what he was doing. Who's to say all the criminals deserved to die anyway.
Was he really trying to create a better world or just make it a world that he could be god of, kind of like Little Finger, he's see the world burn if he could rule the ashes.


Actually they both killed for their own gain. They just had different definitions of what would make their lives better.

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Higuchi was pure evil, he killed off all Yotsuba's competitors, and killed for money and power. Light Yagami killed only criminals and those who tried to catch him.
If a cop would pull over Light yagami and Higuchi for speeding, then Higuchi would probably kill that Cop, but Light would cooperate and pay the ticket.

Light wanted to make the world an idealistic place to live with no crime. Higuchi wanted everything for himself, money power and a beautiful wife like Misa Amane.


Light killed for power, he kept talking about how he'd be god of the new world. With how little he regarded the lives of others, even people of his side he probably would have done what Higuchi did with the traffic ccp only he'd have asked to see his ID to get his name.
He killing Lind L Taylor for calling him evil. He killed his supporters to make himself less likely to be caught.
Higuchi killed for money and power, Light killed for power. Did he want to create a new world or just one that he could call himself god of. Like Littlefinger would see the Seven Kingdoms burn if he could rule the ashes, maybe Light would do the same if he could call himself god of the ashes.


Light killed criminals and whoever tried to catch him. Light wouldn't kill the traffic cop, seeing it has nothing to do with him being kira, and more to do with him speeding. Light is smart, Higuchi is just power hungery bastard. Light killed criminals and whoever tried to catch him, Higuchi killed competitors. See the difference yourself


I thiknk he would have in that he had such little regard for human life. Takada was on his side and he killed her. He was planning at one point to kill Misa after he was finished using her. He was planning to kill his father 13 days after he'd used the note book if he had used it to make the rule look real.
Light was more power hungry than Higuchi. Higuchi wanted money, Light wanted to be God of the New World.


thats because he didn't want any distractions in his way to the idealistic world. Like he said in the pilot episode, he would sacrifice his life and soul for this.



I may not agree with Light killing Innocent People, but I will take him over Higuchi anyday. and him asking the Shinigami eyes is nothing, but boring. He will then just need face to kill, that is boring.



As is explained in later parts of the series, the "New World" is now devoid of war, and crime rates have plummeted down significantly.

So a lot of Light's vision had actually started to come about. Even if by means of fear and death, he had succeeded in improving the world by a significant amount. He made criminal-minded individuals now think twice before committing any crime.

When you put this in contrast with Higuchi's money-oriented ambitions, the difference is obvious.

