MovieChat Forums > Death Note: Desu nôto (2007) Discussion > Why does no one understand the foot wash...

Why does no one understand the foot washing scene?

Am I the only one who grew up in a Christian home? The scene in which L washes Light's feet is not romantic, it is a homage to a Christian tradition in which the followers of Jesus washed his feet. L did it to Light to mock him, as Light thought he was a 'god'.

Why was their bacon in the soap?!?!


Interesting explanation. Are you sure though? I mean, Japan doesn't have a big Christian population; would many Japanese be likely to understand that reference?

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


yes, backed up also by L talking about hearing church bells prior to the scene. As well as all the flashes to himself in a cathedral as a young boy while he's dying in Light's arms.

Why was their bacon in the soap?!?!


Interesting explanation. Are you sure though? I mean, Japan doesn't have a big Christian population; would many Japanese be likely to understand that reference?

Whether Japanese people are well-versed in Christian imagery or not, I do at least know the head writer of this anime did a live action show that is a favorite of mine that is rife with Christian symbolism.



Evangelion uses a *beep* ton of Religious imagery. Why can't Death Note?


I don't understand why anyone would think that was sexual unless they're stupid.


By the sounds of it you didn't understand the scene either, not far off though.

It was actually Jesus who washed his disciples feet, not the other way around - This act of humility foreshadowed his "ultimate" act of humility on the cross. The most important thing for this comparison however is to bear in mind that Jesus washed the feet of Judas, despite he knew that he would ultimately betray him.

L is actually Jesus in this comparison, and Light (along with the rest of the task force) would be his "followers". He washed Light's feet knowing that he was Kira and that he, himself, would soon die.

There is Christian imagery all the way throughout Death Note although this scene should be one of the most obvious, it is commonly overlooked or misunderstood.


That makes a lot of sense. Illuminating post.

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


Yeah, Matthew got it right. It was referring to Jesus washing Judas's feet. L did it because he knew Light was Kira and he was going to kill him. He even says something to him like "we don't have much more time together" and smiles. People who are like "what is with the foot washing scene, are they gay?" are seriously daft.


I'm surprised a lot of people didn't get this (as a Christian I guess I take this kind of thing for granted). I was actually stunned to see that kind of symbolism in the show, didn't expect it. That was a great episode. I took it two ways:

1. As Jesus washing Judas's feet.
2. Also as an act of capitulation by L. He knew he had lost and had accepted his fate. He knew Light had a Supernatural edge he couldn't compete with, there was nothing he could really do.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity. - Maximus, Gladiator.


lol and here I thought it was because they were a couple of homos! 
