MovieChat Forums > The Blind Side (2009) Discussion > This board is sickening and shameful.

This board is sickening and shameful.

This board is unbelievable. The amount of blatant racism and bigotry is mind boggling.

While skimming through the posts, I nearly puked at some of them.

The family is white and the poor kid is black because those are the FACTS. This is based on a real story. The real Big Mike is black. The real family is white. Case closed.

Those who say its about race are choosing to view it in that light.

Those who say "this is about whites who have a superiority complex!!!" or "this shows how black people can't fend for themselves!", "This is a feel good movie for white people!" are delusional and biased for bringing up racial issues.

They themselves are obvious flaming racists because they are bringing up the ideas of race when there's no writer to even blame for it considering its based on a true story!

You're stereotyping loads and loads of people. The sad thing - you can't see what the real point of the film is about. Get real. Not everything is about race. Its about the power of your ACTIONS, and the power of KINDNESS.

These sweeping generalizations about people based on the color of their skin is what perpetuates racism. Its just a shame to see people still continue and support these stereotypes.






Welcome to the world of dealing with liberal Democrats!

The only religion they respect is Islam, and that's only because so many Muslims hate America. Libs respect that.




babe etc --- Actually, liberals admire Islam primarily because that religion hates the United States, like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright hates the United States, but the only religion that liberals actually follow and believe in is environmentalism as preached by Al Gore.

They want to believe in something, and they DON'T want it to be something pro-American or pro-American values, which is one of the reasons why so many of them dislike this film.




Oh gosh, how do I quote?

Anyway, the above post from Babe etc is right on the mark. But I'd like to clear up some confusion here, as I see that there are different opinions on what is considered "liberal" and what is considered "conservative".

Unfortunately our problem is that currently these two ideals have been twisted and morphed in the recent ~20 years or so. How, you ask? Because our current government(s) parties have also shifted from these very ideals. Both the Republican Party and the Democrat party no longer reflect these ideologies, yet still call themselves "conservative" or "liberal"

Conservatism has come to mean limited social programs with a large "defense" force. Liberalism has come to mean broader social programs with a smaller defense force.

Basically, Conservatism is an expansion of the military whereas Liberalism is an expansion of social programs. Nowadays, both parties expand social programs and the military. Obama a peacekeeper? I dont think so, not when starting 2 illegal wars and licking his chops at Iran. These parties have gone to the EXTREME. The extreme form is liberalism is communism. The extreme form of conservatism is Fascism.

If you are a supporter of either the Republican or Democrat party during this time, you are basically a statist. You support total government control. The Republican/Democrat parties are basically extreme parties which seek to expand the government, period. They seek big government and control, which is the exact opposite of American values. And whenever more government is involved, the people suffer and the politicians and the elites gain.

Ironically, true conservatives and liberals actually have very similar beliefs. Both believe in personal freedom of choice, limited government control - I repeat, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, capitalism, free and fair election etc. This can be translated into what you would call a "paleoconservative". This is basically "true American values" at its finest. Its all about freedom from government, which what our founding fathers fought for.

Of course, the greatest time in America's history where it experienced the greatest economic growth and prosperity was the 19th century. In this small window of time, no country had ever, EVER experienced the amount of freedom America had, and such, its people grew wealthy. America had the strongest dollar at this time. America continued to stay strong until bankers took control of the Federal reserve in the 30's, and it went downhill from there.

Just wanted to clear it up. If you are a "conservative" or a "liberal" you need to take a hard look in the mirror and your beliefs. More social programs = more government. More military = more government.


I'd rather be a liberal then a filthy republican. I'm a Chrstian too. You idiots make us look horrible and need to read more of the bible



I think it was a very nice thing they did for him. Even though I do believe it was a little self serving. But they gave him a place to live and grow and that is good enough.

Now with that out of the way this is what I object to. Every movie about a black person doing good or a movie just a bout a black person turns into a movie about a white person. The last King of Scotland turned into a movie about a white doctor, for example. With the exception of Precious that is what we see. We know in the black community there are plenty of black people who are hero's to black people but there are no movies made about them. They made a movie about a white woman bringing violins into a inner city schools. Cool. But where is the movie about the Harlem Boys Choir? I know about Julius Erving, my sister went to school with him. No story about about his mentor Earl Mosely who took him in. Nothing. But we have a movie about this football player. Get the point yet?

Imagine a movie about Babe Ruth that turns into a movie about his chauffeur, who is black man. Or seeing movies where a black person is the only reason a white person makes it. Well as a black person we see the opposite. If George Lucas, the man who made Star Wars could not get from any major studio to make a movie about the Tuskegee Airmen because no major white star was in it, this is not a imaginary problem but a real one.


I find it funny that the two examples you use are based on true stories and the relationships you describe are more a case of reality than a Hollywood plot device. I agree with you but it works both ways. Let's dispense with all of this crap. Let's stop with placing token minorities in TV show's, movies, and television commercials for no reason other than to promote some pretense of "diversity". Let's also stop portraying white people as passive-aggressive racists that can only be snapped out of their ignorance by an unlikely interaction with a noble person of color.


I just wanted you to know that your comment is one of the best comments I've ever read. Reading the comments sections on here and other sites makes me despair for humanity but knowing that there are people like you in the world gives me hope.


agree, makes you lose faith in mankind


.Inevitable point.:-) I'm watching my WB Home Video of its...It's truly great, and yes, :-) you're right it was a ture the tradition of such pictures, the real family, all,our football hero included, put in an appearance at the end.


Before IMDB boards closed this was a sad truth on many boards. But the same can also be said about the internet as a whole. I stopped using IMDB before they closed because any Christian film had trolls and haters just bashing it so much.
