MovieChat Forums > The Blind Side (2009) Discussion > White people to the rescue!!!!

White people to the rescue!!!!

Sickens me how the majority of whites operate & think.

They work so hard to destroy a culture and continuously demean an entire group of people(especially Black),generate their own wealth off the backs and land of said group(s), and then years later they want to be deemed the "savior" to a group of people for a horrible situation/environment in which they created?

Something is mentally wrong with the majority of them.




This reminds me of when I was a young child I'd find a small insect and cripple it some how. Step on it just enough where it wasn't dead but it couldn't escape, but I thought it was okay because I was planning on nursing it back to health.

I'm not gay


You were a really screwed up child! Are you a serial killer now?

Yours in Christ,

Elephants are not purple. This is wrong.


How would you know how the majority of any group thinks? You don't want blacks/minorities being stereotyped so why would you make that statement?


Well, you have box office receipts and straw polls to determine why this movie appeals to white people.


Right. Cause only white people saw this movie.


No, but it did contribute to its appeal to the public.



That is a very small minded opinion. I think most people who adopt end up feeling that they were more blessed than the kid they "saved".

Going to Church won't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage will make you a BMW.


While that is true, their adoptive parents don't tell a friend who writes a book about it then options it off as a movie just to make themselves feel more good about one kind action they did for their own profit while there are more Michael Ohers out there that need help. All that time they wasted making their charity disingenuous they could have revived their local urban communities.


How do you know they were not begged to make their story known? It is a great story. how many families are there (like my friend who adopted a crack baby) whose story will never be told because their adopted kid just turned out normal? Stories like this get people thinking about adoption and that is wonderful. Granted if you only adopt someone because you think they might someday be famous then that is not good but the family in this story did not adopt Michael because he might end up being a football star. I am sure there is a ton more story than was shown in the movie, so Let's be happy that people really will open their heart and home to an abandoned child and let's do more to promote that.

Going to Church won't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage will make you a BMW.


Michael Lewis, the author of the original book, is a close friend of the Tuohy family. Before The Blind Side, Leigh Ann Tuohy was a chosen interior decorator for the ABC show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" which means she probably made a couple connections in entertainment which got John Lee Hancock interested in making this movie. Chances are word got around fast and Hallmark couldn't be reached.


LOL, No doubt Leigh Ann was dying to tell the World of her altruism. Any way you slice it, this is a feel good movie for white people and in particular white Southerners.


I'm not that far into this thread and already I'm wondering what happened to you to make you so bitter, cynical, and hateful.

There are over 6 billion people in the world. There's someone to point to that justifies anyone's prejudice. This happens to be the story of good people who did a good thing and it had a good result. I feel sorry for you that you feel the need to pi$$ all over it. And, like I said, wonder what went wrong when that turned you into such a miserable douche.

"What else do you like? Lazy? Ugly? Horny? I got 'em all."
"You don't look lazy."


On behalf of white people, I've got to say that although it's a decent film, it gives a bad name to white people, by attempting to show republicans in a false light; one that is not completely bonkers.

'I'm going to write an epic poem about this gorgeous pie' -David Lynch, 1992


On behalf of white people, I've got to say that although it's a decent film, it gives a bad name to white people, by attempting to show republicans in a false light; one that is not completely bonkers.

Thanks for that, because God knows we don't already have enough stupid and divisive rhetoric running around.


I'm sorry you think previous comment was stupid, starwolf, but if you don't mind, I'd like a little further explanation on your's. I really dig learning about peoples' opinions on imdb. I'm not being sarcastic at all, just interested in an explanation, if you've got the time, whether it's a sardonic piece-by-piece breakdown of my comment, or an exhaustive essay on how my view of the film is wrong. I hope it's not imprudent of me to want you to be as opinionated as you wish. Thanks.

'I'm going to write an epic poem about this gorgeous pie' -David Lynch, 1992


"Speaking as a white person" would have been a lot less pretentious than "On behalf of white people." You certainly don't speak for all of us.


You don't think saying all Republicans are stupid is a divisive thing to say, and contributes to the ridiculous level of rhetoric going on in this country?

Some Republicans are stupid, some aren't. Some Democrats are stupid, some aren't. Intelligence isn't restricted or relegated to either party, and it's not the sole responsibility of either party that the country is in the shape it's in.

It is my opinion we would all be served by treating people as we find them rather than automatically writing off large groups of people because of political affiliation, sexual preference, race, creed, color, country of national origin, or religion.

Does that explain my comment to you?

And as Slew_Foot says, it's fairly presumptous to think you speak for every white person in the country, much less the world.


I'm sorry I wasn't being more specific about whom i was speaking for.
Starwolf-I don't write of anyone save the willfully ignorant.

'I'm going to write an epic poem about this gorgeous pie' -David Lynch, 1992


it gives a bad name to white people, by attempting to show republicans in a false light; one that is not completely bonkers

This is what you said. Therefore, according to this statement of yours, all Republicans are completely bonkers. So coupled with your statement
I don't write of anyone save the willfully ignorant.

it would appear you are saying all Republicans are not only completely bonkers but willfully ignorant.

And yet you don't see that as divisive rhetoric. Who are you, Ted Danson?

Well, go ahead. Believe as you will. I will continue to espouse my belief that there is good and bad to be found everywhere, including both political parties.


I don't believe that every republican is completely bonkers. I believe that the the leaders of the modern republican party have become far too stagnant in their anti-federalist beliefs. These beliefs would have been absolutely fine 60-70 years ago, but are simply outdated now. In the current race for the GOP, I hear repeatedly about how the government has wasted money on a stimulus package that didn't work.

Rick Perry(I know, not a good example, but be patient) has always spoken out against it, but actually accepted stimulus money to balance the deficit he had in Texas. Michele Bachman and her husband accept farm subsidies. Her husband owns an anti-gay clinic that is part of a Christian organization that also receives federal funding. There are so many unethical things about that last one that I'm not going to spend the time. Palin does not know who Paul Revere is, and when she inadvertently admitted this, her fans (yes fans, not supporters, cause remember she's not running yet) are, yes, 'bonkers' enough to attempt to alter the wiki page on Revere so she wouldn't *dare* be considered incorrect.

Currently, I don't really see anyone else jumping to the plate in the republican party. So in many places throughout the country, many with voting power (and time to go to the county fair) are expressing their support for these potential candidates.

I grew up in a republican home, and have a few friends and colleagues that are of their self-proclaimed 'republican faith'. I don't see hard working people in them; I see parents who don't trust some one based on their sexual identity or the color of their skin, and friends who have accepted not only government aid for their college, but send their children to a public school and will (in 2014) be able to take themselves and their 4-year-old children to the doctor for the first time since they had kids. It would seem (other than my parents who are, by default, willfully ignorant) that these people have no idea for whom or what they are voting for.

I vastly appreciate the fortitude that the republican party has. I'm one hundred percent on board with someone voicing their opinions, no matter what they may happen to be. I just wish that in this case, it wasn't so self-destructive, hypocritical, and yes, bonkers.

I will agree with you Starwolf, in that there is good and bad to be found *most* everywhere. But in some cases, there is just bad. I'm not saying that's limited to the republican party, but I haven't seen much different in the last 25 years or so.

Sorry this was so long, but I feel I owed you an explanation. What about you?

'I'm going to write an epic poem about this gorgeous pie' -David Lynch, 1992


afteremory:republicans as tc:whites


I'm not stereotyping, i just don't understand the leaders of the party. I'm more than interested in anyone's opinion on this, or explanation of how I'm wrong. I'm all for critical discussion.

'I'm going to write an epic poem about this gorgeous pie' -David Lynch, 1992


That last post went a long way in putting afteremory's ideology in perspective.

When someone is that ignorantly one-sided in their politics, it can often be traced back to mommy and daddy issues, as in afteremory's case. It reminds me of posts on the religion board from atheists vilifying Christianity- then you learn they are just angry about their Christian parents. When afteremory gets 10-20 years older and has kids, he'll decide that his parents aren't actually the evil monsters he took them for as a young college student.

Postscript: The 2010 elections must've been hard on afteremory. I guess the lesson here is that average people are more worried about Obama adding 50% to the deficit than a media-manufactured 'crisis' involving Sarah Palin's understanding of Paul Revere.


Great thread


In other news all Blacks are drug dealers and criminals, all Jews are money grabbing and have large noses, and all Asians have bucked teeth and are short.

As you well know every race, especially White people apparently, operates as one hive mind...

I am seriously so tired of hearing people say 'All White people' do something, when at the same time were I to say 'All Black people do this...' they would call me 'ignorant' or a 'racist'.


Yeah, white people are pretty fantastic.


I am so sick and tired of reading posts about how us white people are destroying the black community! It is getting old and pathetic. How about everyone take personal responsiblity for their own actions?
I, as a white person, missed the memo on destroying another culture. I can state from my own city that majority of the black community lives in the inner city. Please, tell me how that is my fault? Did I, being a white person, force a teen to drop out of highschool? Did I, being a white person, convince a woman to have a child out of wedlock? Did I, being a white person, convince a teen to join a gang? I sure as heck didn't, so stop putting the blame on my race. What ever happened to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? If I make bad decisions in my life, I can't blame anyone else except myself! Why is that fact missing in these posts?

What gets me is that my race is blamed for every woe, and how we're keeping the black man down, yet, when you look at Obama winning the presidency, some in the black community were putting him down for acting "white"! So, if a black person isn't successful, it's somehow my race's fault, and if he becomes successful, then he's acting "white"? Are you kidding me? How do you win then?

I am sick and tired of the reverse racism and stereotypes. Unless your a white trash redneck whose a member of the KKK, then I haven't heard "white equals right," unless I just wasn't invited to the "white people" meetings.

Think I am wrong? Go youtube the awesome speech by the Philadelphia mayor (a black man) after the mob violence. He was calling for the same thing I am: personal responsibility. I wish he could speak in all major cities.

The time for blaming others is over, everyone has to pull their own weight and bust their butt in life to get ahead, plain and simple, I don't care what race you are.


@ monique:

