MovieChat Forums > The Blind Side (2009) Discussion > Rich family helps a lot of homeless peop...

Rich family helps a lot of homeless people..

Oh, wait. They don't.

They buy a car and driver's license for one stranger they (for some reason) adopt as their family member, after giving him room in their luxurious mansion, his own bed, food, clothing, social life, and numerous other things and all kinds of help on all possible levels.

With the money and effort they invested in Michael - including TUTORING him in AMERICAN FOOTBALL (I am not going to call it just 'football', especially since there's no 'ball' and feet are not used to manipulate the 'non-ball') so he can do well..

..just HOW many meals could have been bought for the homeless people? How much help, clothing and shelter could've been provided with JUST the price of the car that was given freely to this black man?

WHY is it so important to this family that one black man does well in sports and has his own car and driver's license and can live in a luxurious mansion in a family that treats him like royalty..

..but it's not important to help AT ALL those that have to wonder in the cold and in the heat on the streets, beaten by absolute poverty and harsh street life, drugs, crime, thieves, and bad dental hygiene that can create illnesses?

Why is "car for Michael" and "helping him do well in a violent sport" MORE IMPORTANT than helping the homeless?

A family that rich could help probably 200 homeless AND still take care of Michael and not lose anything in their quality of life.

This movie really makes no sense on pretty much any level.

It feels like we're being force-spoonfed some contrived white guilt-based pseudo-morality so someone can feel better about themselves. Sickening.

Nothing against Michael, I would love to be friend with him if he wasn't just a character - but would this movie work with 'races reversed'? Can you see a rich black family take in a big, shy white guy?

Would this work if Michael was asian or white, regardless of what the rich family is? Or is this movie really about race and white guilt?

This movie REALLY feels like the ones Bill Burr talks about - STOP MAKING THIS MOVIE!



LOL can't tell is this post is satire or not. I am thinking yes.

I assume you are actually aware that this is based on a true story and that the Touhy family is real and that Michael Oher is a real person.
