Kaley Cuoco's character

They did a horrible job with her character. She isn't mean enough in the first hour or so in the movie to warrant her being a gold digger in the end. And if she was only marrying him cause he had a good job, why would she then care if Bic was fake, when she sees the razors and deodorant? It just wasn't thought out. Also, her family is rich. So to settle for Josh Gad, because he has a good job and can support her is stupid. She would've been able to meet a rich guy who she actually liked at some point.




I actually kind of liked how they portrayed her. So many times they have the main character marrying someone so mean you don't understand why they are marrying them. But here you sort of have the frog in the boiling water situation. I think they did a good job showing how both people got in the situation that they did. Also I was thinking that it is pretty common for people to settle when marrying or marry for all the wrong reasons such as theses two characters


Agreed - she didnt come off as mean at all initially and when they started to change her character it looked more like wedding jitters than anything. The scene in front of the bathroom was badly done but the movei was still very entertaining and funny.

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


The bathroom scene was very funny IMO, it totally reminded me of the last scene of The Usual Suspects. So because of that, it was hilarious.


Cobb is completely on point. Agreed 100%. Her character did a complete turn-around in like a single scene.


Did you people even watch the movie? She wasn't a mean character or a gold digger. She was marrying him because she thought he was a good guy who would make for a stable, mature husband. She cared about him and wanted to have a serious relationship but just wasn't in love with him. It happens. A lot of people choose stability over passion.

She admitted how she felt to Bic because she genuinely didn't see it as a major problem. She cared about him but just not passionately.

I thought it was well done. He knew the truth all along and wasn't being fooled or manipulated in any way. The moral of the story being that having a smoking hot girlfriend won't necessarily make you happy long term. Passion is about chemistry, not looks.

That being said, I really didn't appreciate them making it seem like he'd end up with that other hot girl. Kinda undermined the films point.


And she may have admitted it to Bic due to his role as a priest (i.e., a confessional-type scenario).



Did you people even watch the movie? She wasn't a mean character or a gold digger. She was marrying him because she thought he was a good guy who would make for a stable, mature husband. She cared about him and wanted to have a serious relationship but just wasn't in love with him. It happens. A lot of people choose stability over passion.

I just caught this on cable, and I agree, I'm glad she wasn't a villain, just a woman who'd been burned who was settling for someone who wouldn't hurt her and would give her a good life.


I agree with you, Painbow. Plus, I think her not wanting to have sex with Doug in the beginning and claiming it to be a way to enhance their wedding night (or whatever she actually said), was a big clue to how she really felt about him too, so it was definitely not out of the blue. That and her insistence on "their" song actually being about her and her ex-boyfriend.


I like they way they executed her character. If she acted like a *beep* from the very beginning, we would've smelled it, be annoyed, and be completely tuned out for the rest of the movie. It would be too cliche. So instead, we didn't expect him to leave her from the very start, rather at the end.


Yeah I agree, she played the part well and looked smashing but her turn from sweet fiancée to a gold digger was dumb and was just a reason to validate Josh Gad's character for leaving her and us viewers not feeling bad for her (which we probably would have otherwise).

And yeah she bought that 'I'm buying Bic and Mitchum as loyalty for my best friend Bick Mitchem' too quickly and the other friends were named after football player jerseys in the house as well.

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.


She wasn't a gold digger. She stated outright that she was sick of dating *beep* (context suggests that she has dated plenty of rich/handsome guys but they are selfish dicks - which is common when you are in demand) and is marrying him because he's a good guy that will also be able to keep giving her the lifestyle that she's used to. That's not really "gold digger" because a) he's not rich - he just has a "good" salary, and b) it's obvious that if money was the goal, she could do better than him.

I do like that they didn't make her out to be a total over-the-top witch. This was much more realistic. Not every single behavior has to be *beep* Good people do bad things and bad people do good things. It's actually surprising that a comedy like this did not portray her so one-dimensionally.

I agree that it wasn't well executed though. They showed no sign whatsoever of her selfish side and then, bam, she's being a total *beep* by not only misremembering "their" song but also insisting that they play it at the wedding. Really? The song that you banged your ex to for five hours is the one you want at your wedding? I know women are crazy, but this was too much too suddenly. Maybe if the hubby had never known, but what woman is going to ask for this right after she is reminded that it wasn't him? Dumb.
