MovieChat Forums > The Wedding Ringer (2015) Discussion > Saw it... this was clearly just a check ...

Saw it... this was clearly just a check for everyone involved

Saw an advanced screening tonight in NYC and it was absolutely HORRIBLE. It was free and I still hated it, I wasted so much time. The only reason I was interested was because I came on the board beforehand and saw people say it was good, I'm not sure what movie they saw. It was so forced and tried too hard to be a Hangover/Wedding Crashers-esque raunchy comedy but failed. I hope they're planning reshoots or something soon because I don't know how anyone thought this final product was good. It was not funny, the script was bad and it wasn't anything new. Save your time, energy and money if the opportunity comes around to see it.

Formerly "BrooklynFoxx"


Saw an advanced screening tonight in NYC and it was absolutely HORRIBLE. It was free and I still hated it, I wasted so much time. The only reason I was interested was because I came on the board beforehand and saw people say it was good, I'm not sure what movie they saw. It was so forced and tried too hard to be a Hangover/Wedding Crashers-esque raunchy comedy but failed. I hope they're planning reshoots or something soon because I don't know how anyone thought this final product was good. It was not funny, the script was bad and it wasn't anything new. Save your time, energy and money if the opportunity comes around to see it.

It was good you ho bitch! I don't kow what movie you saw but this movie was VERY FUNNY . You put in the weed in the coconut and light that *beep* up!

I'm about to donate some money to the remove my foot from your ass foundation!


It's called an opinion. He didn't like it. So you want to physically assault him because he doesn't like it? We're you passing out ammo to the terrorists that attacked the newspaper in Paris? Why don't you ask him if he likes egg salad sandwiches, and if you don't agree, firebomb his house?


Isn't every movie for a check?


Well I loved it, so I guess we as humans should be happy we dont share a hive mind. Then everyone would have to agree with you and not be able to form their own opinions.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"
