MovieChat Forums > The Wedding Ringer (2015) Discussion > Questions for those who have seen it

Questions for those who have seen it

I originally thought this looked pretty bad, but I'm glad to see some really good buzz from advance screenings! Sounds like it could be a pretty fun and funny R-rated comedy.

My questions are...

1) How many times did you laugh? Just be honest. People are actually saying on these boards that it's quite funny.

2) What's this "dog scene" that everyone on the boards is talking about? I'm going to guess that the dog licks someone's genitals but I'm not quite sure.

3) Can you just spoil this funny 'last line' for me? Use spoiler tags please.

4) Also what would you rate the movie out of 10?


1) out loud? probably around 4-5 times during the whole movie...a couple scenes got a slight chuckle out of me

2) right on

3) Hurley from Lost is in the movie. In the last scene they are heading on a "guy trip" and are on an airplane. Very last shot is Hurley looking into the camera saying something like "I have a bad feeling about this plane..." Then cut to black

4) 6.5/10 (I recently saw a screening of the Interview, and that was way better, 8.5/10)


I originally thought it would be horrible, based on the trailer that I had seen, but I was pleasantly surprised! It's one of the funniest R-rated movies I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.

1. Honestly, I'm usually able to count how many times I laugh out loud in a movie (2 times for 22 Jump Street, for example), but I seriously lost track in this movie. There's a jump scene at the beginning of this movie that unexpectedly sets the tone for the movie by stealing some laughs from the audience, and then the entire first half of the movie is just joke after joke, which all landed extremely well with myself and the audience that I saw it with. As soon as the roar of laughter in the theater would end, another joke would elicit an equal and oftentimes greater response.

2. However, the dog scene was crude and uncalled for. If I could do a director's cut of this film, the strippers and dog licking genetalia would be cut out completely, as would a scene where they drive a van off a ramp through the air in a far-fetched chase scene. Prior to those scenes, the comedy is masterfully written and executed, and it's a shame the writers resorted to shock value to try and get a cheap laugh from the audience.

3. The last line involves Hurley from LOST. That's all I'm gonna say.

4. I'm docking a star for the unnecessary crassness of the dog scene and the van chase, along with some mediocre acting from Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting (who I enjoyed in the Big Bang Theory). Aside from those complaints, this movie made me laugh harder than any R-rated comedy ever has before, and subverted my expectations in the best of ways. It's a film I believe I'll still enjoy 10 years from now, and I'm giving it a solid 9/10.
