did you see this movie?




I saw it because I got passes for a screening. Thought the trailers were awful, but was hoping it might be at least somewhat decent. WRONG! The movie was completely awful and both of the lead characters are annoying, unlikeable, and have no chemistry! Really surprised the studio would give so many advanced screenings for garbage like this.

I count six shots.
I count two guns! 


I saw it because I won tickets for free...and I'm so glad I did! The trailer made it look completely unfunny, especially since I hate Kevin Hart as an actor...but the theater was absolutely in stitches from laughing so hard throughout the course of this movie! I genuinely can't wait to see it again.


really? genuinely?



I'm dead serious. I think the marketing people for this movie realize that they don't know how to properly market this film, and that's why they've let people watch it as early as November of last year, even though the movie doesn't come out until January. They know they're sitting on a truly great comedy, and that word of mouth will be the driving force that brings more people to see it in the future.

I won a second pair of tickets to see a screening of The Wedding Ringer, and instead of selfishly using them on myself (as much as I wanted to go see it again), I gifted them to a friend of mine who I knew would enjoy it. I almost had to convince her to go, especially when she found out that she needed to show up an hour early just to get in, but when I saw her the next day, she was SO GLAD she went. She couldn't believe how funny it was either. The worst part about seeing this movie for me was the fact that no one else that I knew had seen it, so I couldn't quote any lines from the movie...people wouldn't get it! There are a lot of great lines from this movie that I'll probably be quoting for years to come, including a song that involves putting weed in a coconut (you'll know it when you hear it).

But I've said enough! GO SEE IT. You'll thank me later.
