Something Gad made...

You know how it goes, Hollywood needs it's chubby, obnoxious guy flavah of the season...Looks like we are going to face a season of Gad. Zooks. The way it works he probably will fade soon like an over washed cotton garment unless (Gad help us) he scores in one of his 'offerings' (he is the sloppy half of a buddy cast) and then he will stretch it into that sanguine period where he becomes an 'artist' (Jonah Hill?) doing the next 7 Jump Streets and sticks with us like a multi-year rash. Gad bless Galifianakis but there is only one of him, oh true believers. Why must life be an endless repetition of marketing folly and fatties with no timing? We need ten of Zach's ilk but along comes Josh, Gad save us.


Totally understand what you mean and I'm right there with you on that. However, this movie is different than that. I got to see this at an advanced screening in Phoenix and this movie is really funny. It can be a little raunchy at parts and if that's not your thing you probably won't like this movie. But, if you don't mind that too much you will enjoy it. Gad doesn't quite play the character you describe in comparison to the other films you referenced. I can't speak as to what his next roles will portray him as, I would say more like what you mentioned above. But this is the funniest movie I've seen in a very long time and if you like comedy I would watch it. Having seen the movie already I can safely say the previews only make this movie seem like the same old crap we've seen a million times's me.


I completely agree, inishernandez3! I watched the trailer, and was prepared to give it somewhere between a 5 and 6 back before I went to a screening in December. I've never been more wrong in my life! It was hilarious to the point where not only was I laughing nearly the entire movie ('s joke after joke after joke that lands solidly with excellent timing and delivery), but I plan on taking about five people with me to go see it once it actually comes out again. It was THAT GOOD.

I would've given it a 10/10, if it weren't for some of the raunchy bits (particularly the beastiality, which really wasn't necessary), as well as for Kaley Cuoco's subpar acting. So I'm docking it a point, and giving it a very solid 9/10. I just hope that the marketing team's unfunny trailers don't keep it from performing as well as it deserves at the box office.
