white people

I watched the trailer. Came in with a prejudice that KH was gonna be all crazy, but it was kind of relaxed in that regard, just plot setup stuff. And then the "white people" line - like outta the blue. Totally expected it, started to feel like maybe it wasn't coming, and then ... prejudice confirmed.

Can't wait for one of these movies to bridge the gap where we get a mixed race cast without stupid racist interjection. I know Hollywood is lazy, but KH is big enough now to be able to say NO to this *beep* (he could easily get that line tossed if he wanted to), and he's not doing it. Disappointing.


I do wish that a black guy/girl can be featured in a film, without reference to their colour in any capacity. Focus on whatever the plot or issues are.


What about Obsessed?

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Replace "white" with "black" from a white actor and imagine the riots. Tired of the double standard in America.



Until Hollywood gets over its jealousy of white people: their good looks, wealth, endless inventions, intelligence, power, ect, hollywood will always try to "equalize" the other races. What a pathetic attempt. Leave white people alone and quit taking cheap shots. Who do you think your trying to fool here.


Until Hollywood gets over its jealousy of white people: their good looks, wealth, endless inventions, intelligence, power, ect, hollywood will always try to "equalize" the other races. What a pathetic attempt. Leave white people alone and quit taking cheap shots. Who do you think your trying to fool here.

Hollywood is run by White people. Are you saying White people are jealous of each other (gasp)?

Also, White people are not the sole achievers on this planet. There are inventors, scholars, rich, and beautiful people across every ethnicity. Research Mansa Munsa who had 4 times the wealth of Bill Gates and was known as the wealthiest man in history.

And "equalizing" the other races? So it's ok when other ethnic groups are endlessly stereotyped in the media and in film but White people are off limits? Hmmm interesting. Do you tell Hollywood to quit taking cheap shots about every ethnicity too?


What was the full context of the line in the film?
