Saw the trailer

It looks like it will be funny. Maybe I saw the best parts but I would pay money to see it.

"It is rare to meet a Lannister who shares my enthusiasm for dead Lannisters.".


The trailer looks so bad it's almost good.


You make a good point, Missimin...

We are at the movies every week, and have now seen this trailer 3 times - the darnedest thing is we laughed even harder the 3rd time - at the same lines - lol...

The plan is to see this movie the day it's released here...


I remember some years ago we went, excitedly (for much the same reasons,)to see "Analyze This" starring two of our favorite Hollywood people Robert Deniro and Billy Crystal... It was decidedly NOT "The Bomb", but instead it was "a bomb" - for us anyway... The trailer contained just about all, if not all, of the funny scenes we had seen in the trailer - several times, and the rest of the movie was a waste of time, not to mention money... In fact, if anyone is listening, this is the one and only time we would like our money back - that 20 bucks in the stock market by now would be worth 50 dollars - so if you really want to give us our money back - that is the Bill... Otherwise, don't bother...

BTW, in return for receiving our money back, we would then cross it off of our list of "The Worst Movie Ever", and never mention it again to anyone, and we would come back here and remove this note - if possible... Just sayin'... (And, of course, donate the money to one of our favorite charities...)

Anyway, we have our fingers crossed and our hopes up - nowadays with the popcorn and all a trip to the movies is at least 50 bucks... We are senior citizens now, and although we can afford the money, no problem, the point is when you get old being wasteful bothers one a lot more than it does/did when one is young and stupid... If this one is another loser, that is going to really suck...

Here's hoping I remember to report back in when we've seen the show!



Saw an advanced screening and I can safely say the previews don't do the film justice. There is a bit of raunchiness during a bachelor party scene, but it is very very funny.
