GREAT movie

We went to the screening in Miami last night. It was funny, interesting, not completely predictable and overall a good movie (a rarity in my opinion). The cast was great and good looking, multicultural (like real life) and the story was engaging. Did I mention is was FUNNY!!!??? A must see in 2015.


I saw it a few weeks ago. I expected the worst based on the weak trailers and the fact that I could only make it through 45 minutes of Ride Along before shutting it off, but it was actually a decent comedy. If I had to rate it on a scale of 0 to 4 stars, I'd give it 2 1/2. It reminded me a little bit of I Love You, Man(both are "bromance" flicks), only this was thankfully an R-rated affair and not PG-13 stuff for the kids.

The only part of the movie that was truly awful was Katie Cuoco's character. It's not her fault. Blame the screenplay. But she's given very little to do til the final 20 minutes and halfway through the flick, her character has a seemingly random and very forced turn. It renders the entire wedding subplot completely pointless which ain't good considering the whole movie is centered around that.

Another thing I didn't like about the movie was how it had a bunch of actors who have comedic talent(Cloris Leachman, Jeffrey Ross, Whitney Cummings) and did almost nothing with them.

I don't think it's worth shelling out 10+ bucks to see, but it's not a bad choice for a rental next spring when it hits Blu-ray.

