the real deal

(This comment was deleted by IMDb based on an abuse report filed by another user)
((one of their corporate lackeys i assume))
dumb teenager girls drive along a country road for a while...blah..blah..blah..they bump a car...blah blah...freak out...get chased by a psycho soccer mom...blah stupid things...get beat up by aforementioned psycho soccer mom...finally kill her...blah blah bump thump crash.Filmed with a camcorder from WalMart. A screenplay consisting of 90% fake screams broken only by moments of blabbering which is mixed so badly half the time you cant even understand them (the director/producer/cameraman/grip.HEH. must have known the dialogue did not matter anyway), this has got to be one of the most annoying films i have tried to watch. As a veteran jess Franco viewer trust me i have survived some of the worst ever done but even my iron eyes could not take more then twenty minutes of this crap-fest. There is no nudity...nothing scary...nothing shocking...just inane teenage girl blabbering mixed with fake screaming and an occasional stupid line or two. The only thing horrifying about this is it probably more annoying then being stuck in a minivan with five dumb teenage girls in reality...something i did not imagine i would ever say. Congratulations to the director/producer/cameraman/grip.HEH. you have made the worst movie of the decade so far. Really this does not even belong on IMDb...its not even a step above a home movie. rating = -1000 (By The Way IMDb...your spell check is almost as annoying as this Pro? HAH. get a clue)


If the director came across this bitch fit your having I don't think they'll bother to read past the first line. Seriously what's the point. All that this is doing is making people think of how much of a twat you must be. GET OFF THE INTERNET!!! NO ONE F##KING LIKES YOU


"CRADLE-ENSLAVE" dont waste ur time with this idiot, he is annoying and very ignorant .

what do u want from me!!!


The Real Deal!!!

I thought it was a pretty dodgy movie. Pretty crappy in places but good towards the end. I think you should give the makers of the movie a break. If you think you could do better then do so.

anyway i liked the ending


what ar you talking about, is little rant was hilarious


Sounds like a moron to me. For a movie with a $4,000 budget, I think they made a pretty effective movie. Suspenseful with a lot of humor thrown in.

"Obviously you have a beef, Stew, but please don't stir things up" - Geoffrey Jellineck


i've got to get in on this comment 5 years late because i actually liked this movie. you noticed that it was a bunch of annoying girls? did you FEEL how annoying their awful mixtape sorta music was? of COURSE they suck but they reveal how they're about five years old when it comes to important maturity and then the insane--"soccer mom"? really?--chick they run into attacks them to torture them shows that she herself is an angry child reacting to the world. it's a weird, bad, icky feminist film of some sort. it's terrible as a "horror" film, it barely performs as a "drama", but it's a particular hyper embarrassing chick flick from hell. it's supposed to suck and hurt.
