
I was warned and warned not to watch this movie, but I wouldn't listen.

I've seen many, many cheapo movies in my time (usually on the High Fliers or Film 2000 label here in the UK)and thought I had hit rock bottom after seeing Uwe Boll's "Alone In The Dark ".

How wrong I was!

F.A.T.E.: The longest 94 minutes of my life, this movie could have been wrapped up in under 20.

The picture was like watching internet streaming video from around 1999 (ala crap).

There were moments of this "movie" where I really tried to feel it (I sat through the WHOLE thing) and i really wanted to like it to prove the naysayers, who had previously warned me of it's crapness, wrong. But it was just impossible to enjoy and I found myself dozing off many times.

I can't believe the "director" was too lazy to even get out of the van! Even more astonishing is that the movie seemed to have received no post production clean-up or filtering. Just handheld crap.

In fact, it reminded me of those Police camera shows with Sheriff John Bunnell. Funny thing is, the quality of those shows is about the same, yet they are 1000 times more entertaining than this tripe.

The only thing worth seeing in this movie are Sandra Paduch's rather lovely legs and that is it!

I'm just deciding whether or not to lie to the people in the rental store (who warned me it was crap) and make out that I thought it was ok, even. Just to see the disbelief on their faces!

Am I saying that this movie should never have been made?....Not at all.

Am I saying that it deserved to get mass distribution all over the world?...Absolutely not!

An indecipherable and incoherent mess of a movie.

The only people who would find any enjoyment out of this are friends and family of the production, and I bet even they wouldn't watch this twice!

Looks like someone at Lionsgate owed the makers of this picture a VERY big favour!

Why is it called Five Across The Eyes?

Because that's what any viewer will feel like they've received after watching this.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Are you in the US? If not, it's probably not your kind of humor. It frightens me that you thought the movie was incoherent. How could you not understand it? It's a simple concept. Sorry for you :(

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


No, the plot was simplistic enough. It was incoherent because the sound mix was crapola (and that's being VERY kind indeed).

I got a pretty broad sense of humour and I recognise what was a supposed attempt at black humour. Probably along the lines of 2001 Maniacs (which I thought was pretty fun). But the humour in this was executed amateurly (and, in most cases, inaudibly), which is a coincidence, cos so is the rest of this rotten skankfest of a movie.

What's even more frightening is that you hold this "movie" in high regard. I hope the directors paid you enough cash to publicly humiliate yourself by claiming that this is anything but drivel.

I love horror, and I think you must too and if you're talking about the essence or idea of the movie, then yes, it's a good, scary idea. Sort of mixing up Blair Witch and Duel. But if you can't see why it makes unbearable viewing to 99.9% of audiences then I...I don't know what to say, really. Each to their own I guess.

In a way, this movie has a very clever marketing ploy. Negative word of mouth is as equal to positive word of mouth, I think.

So people will rush to rent this thinking that they will have seen a worse movie and compare this to it. Or, like a road traffic accident, where you have to look even though you've been advised not to. All the while thinking :How bad can it BE?

As a fan of B-movies, I love a bit of crapness in my movies but F.A.T.E. doesn't have the charm, intelligence or production effort that makes a B-movie fun to watch. F.A.T.E. doesn't even rate as a Z-Movie. There hasn't been a letter created that is low enough to indicate what a chore this movie is to watch.

I watched Boogeyman 2 straight after F.A.T.E. and it was a relief to see that, even that movie, which has not been well received, was still made with much more understanding of the craft (and more budget, obviously) and style etc.

Someone reading my opinion may think: "Surely no movie can be THAT bad?"

Which is exactly what I thought about the views from the rental store patrons and staff. So, in essence, I wanted to be all superior and find something good about it which, apart from Ms. Paduch's pins, I just couldn't.

In fact, as soon as I saw the quality of the opening credits, I knew EXACTLY what the problem was and what I had let myself in for. No one I know has sat through more than 20 minutes of this, so I gave it a very fair chance by watching it all.

The only bit I found moderately creepy or disturbing was the bit when one of the girls is hiding in the back of the SUV whilst the nutcase woman was extracting that other girls teeth/tooth.

It's ok that this film was made, and I hope that the directors' next effort is much better and they learn from the mistakes of F.A.T.E.

But F.A.T.E. should NEVER have been distributed internationally, especially by a well-known and respected company (lionsgate in UK).

If it was just on Youtube or something like that, fair enough. But on a major DVD label it's gotten a deserved reputation as an absolute pile o' crap.

I have seen people return this movie back to the rental store with visible disgust on their faces, and the only consolation I got from my viewing is that I got to watch it for free...and that's not saying much, is it?!

If I had paid £3-£4 to rent this, I would have done everyone a favour and "accidently" put a nice horizontal scratch right across the disc!

Now, what I'm gonna do is record myself playing a 5 key child's xylophone and hammer out a bunch of old hits and nursery rhymes with one hand whilst whacking out the beat on an old toy drum and shouting the lyrics like a lout. I will not filter or compress the tracks so all the twangs and mistakes stay on the recording. Then, a big record label like Sony will take my album of recordings, offer me an exclusive recording deal and distribute the album, untampered by mixers etc, around the world and claim how brilliant it is. If F.A.T.E. can do it with the movie business, I'm gonna have a go using the same technique on the music biz.

I'm glad you like the movie, though. It makes me feel like the world is a nicer place, you know, like when you see that an ugly person who has been single for years suddenly has a lover. You think: "Ah, how sweet. I wouldn't touch 'em with a barge pole but it's nice to see that SOMEONE likes 'em!"

I noticed how many film festival awards F.A.T.E. got. This is obviously because F.A.T.E. was the only film entered or the producers managed to sabotage the other films to be shown. Or maybe the cast just blew the judges...and the distributors.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


I noticed how many film festival awards F.A.T.E. got. This is obviously because F.A.T.E. was the only film entered or the producers managed to sabotage the other films to be shown. Or maybe the cast just blew the judges...and the distributors.
This says a lot. It speaks of your denial that people could actually enjoy this movie even though you didn't. Your opinion is yours and yours alone. Don't expect others to fall in line.

For a movie with a $4,000 budget, I thought it was very entertaining. I was aware that it was a cheap indie movie when I went into it. I had seen previews and knew exactly what I was in for. When I saw it at a film festival, the person in charge of the film festival said that he had spoken to the director who was hoping to have his film shown. The director of the festival told the audience about his conversation with the movie director. The movie director had said, "The movie has poor quality, bad sound in places, the acting isn't always great." So the film festival guy asked, "Well, why should we show it?" The film director said, "Because it kicks ass." And it did. It was a great ride for being so cheaply made.

If you want to see what a low budget abomination is, see Dead Clowns. About the same quality, but EXTREMELY awful.
I'm glad you like the movie, though. It makes me feel like the world is a nicer place, you know, like when you see that an ugly person who has been single for years suddenly has a lover. You think: "Ah, how sweet. I wouldn't touch 'em with a barge pole but it's nice to see that SOMEONE likes 'em!"
Congrats! You've just shown what a dumbf-uck you are. Crawl back under the rock you slithered from, you slimy douche. Go back to the Supergirl board

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Oh stop it mate, stop it.
You're just embarrassing yourself.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


If that's what you need to tell yourself, go ahead. It's obvious that you have no taste in movies anyway, so your opinion is laughable. Why don't you go smoke some more reefer. It sounds like your brain is pretty much fried already.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Yawn. Typical elitist dumb-ass simpleton. I know. You're the guy who raves about bands that nobody has ever heard of just so you can say "I was into them first" if they make the big time.

How original you are to make out you enjoy a film that everyone else knows is unwatchable. You must be the king of film knowledge!

It proves how simple you are that you can be entertained by F.A.T.E. I don't even reckon you watched it, or at least the same flick as everyone else.

Me and my cousin have made short student films on a budget of £0 which are more entertaining and have better production.

The movies I comment on on IMDB do not represent my favourites, necessarily. I do think Supergirl is fantastic, however. Oops, now I'M being elitist by praising a movie that splits viewer opinion by 50/50! In fact, it's usually to the contrary, where I think a piece of crap movie deserves a sound verbal thrashing.

It makes me laugh that the directors actually believe their movie to be "kick ass". What unjustified arrogance! But I like it. Better that they be confident about it, rather than hiding away from it like most people would.

The film festival guys asked "Why should we show it?"
The Directors said "Cos if you do, the girls in the cast will suck your dicks!"
The film festival guys said "Deal!"

So, josephrh311, when you take your nose out of Greg Swinson's crack and Ryan Thiessen takes his dick out of your ass, you may even see this movie objectively for what it really is...a pile of ca-ca. You obviously met them and got a bit star-struck "I met the directors...I MET THE DIRECTORS!"

We all do it. When you see a famous band live and suddenly you become their number one fan, just because you saw them live and maybe spoke to them.

You're flogging a dead horse, boy. No one likes this movie but you. I bet even the cast would admit to how crappy it is.

Your the kind of person that would say "Well, Hitler wasn't all THAT bad. And I kind of like his hair and moustache." Just because you spoke to him once. And also, because it makes you feel superior because no one else likes him.

F.A.T.E. is NEVER going to have its day and will never be considered by anyone as anything except "that shi tty camcorder movie." So you can get off your soapbox because you will never get your opportunity to say "I told you so!"

Now run along and play with your dick whilst watching Lohan pole dance.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Wow. You like live in an alternate universe where your perverted thoughts reign above reality. Why such a freakishly long (and ignorant) post?

If the movie was so unwatchable, why would the film festival play it? It's not like they just played it without knowing what they were getting into. And the audience reacted well. While the movie was unwatchable to you, that opinion doesn't translate universally. If you think Supergirl gets a 50/50 response, you're even more delusional than I could imagine.

I wouldn't doubt if you thought your pathetic little home-made movies were better. It's obvious that you're the kind of person who thinks their sh!t don't stink. Let me tell you: I can smell it across the bleedin' ocean.

I was not star-struck by directors I didn't know. My enjoyment of this movie has absolutely nothing to do with the people who made it, it's about the movie itself.

Your the kind of person that would say "Well, Hitler wasn't all THAT bad. And I kind of like his hair and moustache." Just because you spoke to him once. And also, because it makes you feel superior because no one else likes him.
Yeah... this is where my alternate universe idea comes in. What screamingly ignorant comments. I bet you're still in High School, or whatever they call it in your world. It would not surprise me at all.
F.A.T.E. is NEVER going to have its day and will never be considered by anyone as anything except "that shi tty camcorder movie." So you can get off your soapbox because you will never get your opportunity to say "I told you so!"
LOL right. Your deslusions of gradeur are not only annoying, but very scary. I really hope the other people in your country aren't as pathetic as you. I wonder how pathetic they think you are. They're probably just as afraid as I am.

Now go run along and play with... whatever you're packing, while watching Helen Slater fly around in her leotard and cape, pillock.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


At least I can see and hear Helen Slater fly around in her cape and leotard.

And if we're going to use countries as a basis for insults, you live in one that elected George Bush as President. Be ashamed.

Why would the film festival play it? Cos the girls sucked the organiser's dicks.

I noticed one of the awards came from a Tennessee film festival. Gee, I can't think why a Tennessee film festival would give a film made in Tennessee, a prize, can you?

In fact, I bet it was the TN festival that agreed to show some local boys' work, initially. Bet the production team had fingers well inside that festival's pie too.

Anyway, I'm not saying it shouldn't have gone to festival. All indie movies have a right to do so. In fact it was a perfect (unless you count ACTUAL films like Cabin Fever etc) film to do so. My actual point, insults aside, is that it had no business being available to rent because it was, in no way, good enough to have people pay money to see it. In fact, it's downright disgusting that it got such distribution. Maybe it's the fault of the distributor, but this movie should have been sold in bootleg form, in little stores in Tennessee. The fact that this movie got from TN to a little seaside town in the UK is unbelievable, in that it is just not good enough for retail or rental distribution. And that is why this movie has only got a (more than generous) 3 out of 10 on this board.

My friend owns a rental store and he won't even charge people to rent it, knowing how crap it is. In fact, I think he is making copies of it too to give away for free. He won't have people spend their hard earned cash on it. Funny thing is, it's reputation is so bad, he can't give them away. No one wants to see it and anyone who already has, doesn't want to again.

I wonder how many times you have actually seen it.

Trust me, the people I know from my country that have also tried to watch FATE are chuckling at you for defending such a piece of crap. And they're doing it in a rather uppity way, in which us Brits only know how. They are pointing and laughing at you, sir. They are sipping tea, eating scones and laughing at the fool who tried to polish a turd with his words.

Despite all your bravado of making out I'm some kind of odd creepy guy, you'd better believe I speak for all the people I know that have seen it and the other 99% of people that have seen it.

I don't care that you like it and you can defend it until you die. But I will treat it with the contempt it deserves for the same amount of time.

You said I won't accept your opinion and that I think everybody should agree with me, but you are exactly the same because you want me to change my opinion on FATE.

I know you won't change your mind, and you can be sure I won't change mine.

And nobody says "pillock" anymore.

Or are you a typical yank that thinks all us brits talk like Hugh Grant and live next door to the queen here in Engerland whilst you tell us how the good ole USA won the war singlehandedly?

As for my films, you better believe they are better than FATE, baby. I would post a link to them on Youtube, but, if you could be bothered to watch them (and it seems you'll watch and enjoy ANYTHING) you wouldn't be objective and would leave uncouth comments. I know they aren't brilliant but there's more entertainment in 10 minutes than FATE has to offer in 94.

There's a new film coming out soon about a year in the life of an abandoned public toilet, filmed in real-time. I'm sure you'll rave about that too.

Don't you think Helen Slater is hot in Supergirl?

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Believe me when I say I am ashamed of this country. I HATE Bush and I won't ever accept him, his politics, or his followers/supporters/bible-banging hicks. And I wasn't making an attack on your country. I was just making sure the whole country wasn't like you. I'm still unsure.

Keep saying whatever you want about some conspiracy as to how this movie won awards and keep denying the fact that people actually enjoy it. You're only fooling yourself.

I bought this movie from the UK, actually. I've watched it twice since the film festival and I still think it's hilarious and creepy. It's got some pretty effective violence considering how cheaply it was made.

I think 'pillock' is a funny word, so I used it. It's fun here because nobody knows what it means.

You're probably right about your little films. I think Russell Crowe is a disgusting nut job, so I won't see his movies. I think you're a disgusting little punk, so I wouldn't be able to watch your kiddie flicks without bias either. But it's really cute that you make mini-movies to show to the world.

I have absolutely no interest in Helen Slater or Supergirl. That's for your spank bank and yours alone.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


The whole of my country is like me...normal/sane and with a proper grasp of what a movie should give its audience.

"Keep saying whatever you want about some conspiracy as to how this movie won awards and keep denying the fact that people actually enjoy it."

Don't you mean that "person", as opposed to "people", like it.

You mentioned about the director saying the sound and visual elements of FATE are not so good, to the the festival guys. Aren't sound and vision the fundamental elements of a movie? If you haven't got those, what have you got? Junk. So, my conspiracy theory is justified. FATE has neither of these 2 elements at it's disposal. It's about show and tell and half the time FATE could neither show nor tell me anything to keep me interested because neither element had received the appropriate amount of care or attention.

It's alright to pat people on the back and say "nice try", but encouraging lazy and amateur behavior dosen't do anyone any favours.

You also said that FATE got a warm reception at the festival. Yes, I don't think it's customary to tell a Director that his work is Sh ite to his face. I think there was a great deal of politeness going on there.

Also, festivals have a different atmosphere. It is a place where you go to see experimental cinema and all kinds of tosh. It's a very arty, somewhat pretentious affair. You don't seem to get my point about FATE not being good enough for a PAYING audience to see.

On various occasions, I will buy a movie on DVD without seeing it first. I'm so glad I didn't do it with FATE. Cos I would have come to TN and rammed it up the directors asses. Or at least the distributor's.

Hasn't FATE been released in USA then? Why buy from UK? My mate would have sent you a copy for free!

I heard that Anchor Bay had acquired the rights (poor sods), but it didn't really click as FATE has been available in UK for quite some time (although most of the copies have new secondary purposes as frisbees, paperweights, drinks coasters and protractors).

Hey, that gives me an idea for a new book: 1001 uses for a FATE DVD. Of course, none of them will be to actually watch it, heaven forbid.

Where did the Russell Crowe thing come from? I agree on that actually and also feel the same about Mel Gibson. Not because of his Anti-Semite rep but because of his bashing of England. Braveheart, The Patriot etc, all make out historic englanders to be the scourge of the earth. And some war movie he did (which I can't remember) made it look like America did all the WWII work. We, in good old England, don't care too much for that attitude.

FATE IS hilarious but for all the wrong reasons, I'm afraid.

Do you watch it alone or with buddies? And sober or high/drunk?

Disgusting PUNK? Who are we, Clint Eastwood now? ha ha!

And don't forget who started the insults (dumbf uck, anyone?).

I insulted the movie (as it deserved to be). You started getting personal, lad.

I was thinking about what good you seriously see in FATE and I'm guessing you're from TN. So, I suddenly remembered that people from TN also love Country & Western music. So naturally, I came to the conclusion that, if the good old folks of TN's taste in music is so dire, I guess that their taste in movies must be equally as poor. Ok, I believe you genuinely like this film.

Yep Helen S. most definately is for my "spank bank" (but probably not mine alone), as Lohan is, so obviously, for yours!

I know you like them redheads down south.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


The whole of my country is like me...normal/sane and with a proper grasp of what a movie should give its audience.
No wonder you guys always release crappy movies- You have NO idea what you're talking about.
Aren't sound and vision the fundamental elements of a movie?
No lol They are parts of the movie, but far from the "fundamental elements."

I guess that's the definition of delusional- you don't realize how delusional you really are. You make up all the unbelievable excuses as to how people (yes, people) could enjoy this movie, but it's still all on you. If your friends are as immature as you are, I'd imagine that they would have the same opinion as you. Although I think it's really funny how you think your opinion is the same as the rest of your country. I doubt everyone there is that stupid.

It's clear you know nothing about the US. Tennessee? Why that state out of 50? What do they teach you there? Do you guys all have bad teeth? In the US it's common for people to think you guys have bad teeth. Austin Powers for example.

FATE comes out here at the end of September, but it got to you guys in April. I liked it enough to buy it. It's the first movie of that budget that I actually enjoyed.

Where do you equate 'punk' with Clint Eastwood? From that movie from the 70's? Well, here it's still valid and used often. You need to learn some US history. TN lol

Now go run and make some more kiddie movies, lad (so they still use 'lad' huh?).

Oh! And yes, you are a dumbf uck

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



Yes, we all have bad teeth because our dentists are lazy.

As for my friends being immature, the opinions of FATE that I have been getting are from a wide range of age groups that have, unfortunately rented it from my mate's store. Don't have to be immature to know a movie is crap.

You must be a fu cking retard for spending money on that DVD. What a waste of the poor old post service's time and effort. Do you realise how much fuel was burnt, getting that DVD to your house? You deserve to be lynched in this time of global warming.

And if you think being able to see and hear the movie you just bought isn't important, you're a spasticated, lying sack o' s hit. Fundamental means the absolute necessities that an item should have. You wouldn't watch a film you couldn't hear (and I don't mean old silent movies) and you couldn't watch a film you couldn't see. Reckoning that these two elements are "far from fundamental" makes you a pretentious prick.

So does that make your music CD collection a bunch of blank CD-R's? Cos, obviously, the fundamental element of sound on a music disc is not really necessary. You are a massive cockend!

Anyway, your description of "Dirty Harry", calling it "that movie from the 70's" makes me realise that I'm dealing with a juvenile twat, who doesn't know sh it about movies. Dirty Harry is one of the most famous and respected movies in movie history and you refer to it as "that movie from the 70's". I reckon you to be about 12 as you seem to have no "fundamental" knowledge of the kino earlier than about 2000, I would say.

Man: You heard of Dirty Harry, Joe?

You: No. Is that a new one?

Man: No...classic Clint Eastwood film...

You: Oh, that movie from the 70's.

Man: Um.....

You: I couldn't watch that. Maybe they should do a remake...duh...

Or in another situation:

Man: Hey Joe, here are those things you need to make that film you were going to do.

You: What are they?

Man: Well, I hired you some state of the art camera, editing and sound equipment.

You: ...so...I need those, then?....

In fact, I think my cousin and I shall parody your dumbness in a new short.

I think I'll call it "FU CKWIT: The dimwitted thicko years."
Yes...I think that sounds about right. Look out for that on Youtube. It's FOR you cos it's ABOUT you.

That explains to me why you are so easily entertained and thrilled by such low grade junk. Simple things please simple minds. Maybe when you hit puberty, you will understand that a good idea, poorly executed, does not a good film make.

I must say that we (UK) usually do make crappy movies nowadays. Usually because our directors are too busy trying to copy stuff from the US. But, our expatriate directors have been making some of the best movies in the US for decades. John Badham, Tony Scott, Ridley Scott etc. Of course, you wouldn't be aware of those movies from the past few decades because of your base amount of film knowledge.

I centre my attention on TN because that was where FATE was made.

I can see the girls in FATE were very excited to be in this movie and they're like puppies, all jumping around and hyper. Sadly, the production couldn't frame them adequately, bringing even the most low-level performance to it's knees.

FIVE ACROSS THE EYES: A tragic waste of talent and electricity (thx JP).

You think i'm a dumfuc?

That makes you a Yankee-Doodle Wan kstain!

Ha ha...it's funny...because it's TRUE. >;>

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


So you just deleted and then rewrote your post? Didn't have enough BS in the first version? You've supplied an over-abundance in this revised one.

I don't care if Dirty Harry is a classic. I live in the US so obviously I know who Clint Eastwood is. All I care about is that your only example of the word punk is nearly 40 years old. You're obviously out of touch with US concepts and culture.

Ok, so having actual sound and vision is important, but this movie isn't lacking these. It may not be great quality, but it's not made with terrific cameras and microphones. And I've had no trouble hearing all of the lines in the movie, nor seeing what was happening. Perhaps you should get a new TV or get your hearing and vision checked out. Or are those doctors lazy too?

Why are you so obsessed with the state of my human growth? What is the obsession with puberty? Does going through puberty make someone smarter, because you obviously you never got there. But, since you're so interested, puberty is long gone in my life.

I'd love for you to make more crappy movies. If this conversation is what you need for a new one, you're obviously an unoriginal and lame filmmaker. And your cousin is apprently just as mentally deficient as you are. God I hope not. There are far too many of you as there is. And your icky teeth.

Wankstain. That's funny. I think I'll use that around here sometime. Always looking for new insults, even if they come from dumbf ucks lol

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Don't know what you're talking about, regarding the deleted post. I thought that was you.

The meaning of punk 40 years ago is the same as now, via a skew in 1976 when it was a music/fashion statement.

As for bad teeth, us brits aren't as pathetically hung up on physical perfection as you Yanks. We laugh at you with your whitened teeth (with caps and bridges) and big fat asses.

Pity the US. Once the most popular country in the world, at least culture wise, and now the laughing stock of the world.

It's no surprise you live there!

You say your puberty is long gone?...I don't doubt it. You must be settling into senile dementia then.

Does going through puberty make someone smarter?....ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

No, that's why he have a 10 year old Prime Minister and our goverment is run from inside a kindergarten pen.

You really are a prick!

Go *beep* yourself, Jethro!

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


I'm sure you have no idea of how your post was deleted lol Your new post had much of what was in the previous one, verbatim, with other new crap thrown in. So unless you copied your previous message before it suddenly was erased, you're full of sh!t. Don't try to deny it. I would have used the Edit button though.

I pity the US too. If it was easier to move to another country, I definitely would. I don't want to have to deal with gaining citizenship elsewhere. And if the Republican party wins the presidency again, I'd be even more inclined to move. They're the ones that started the war and neglect the concept of separation of church and state. I like the idea of Canada. They have legalized pot and gay marriage, but I don't like the cold. They're just way more progressive.

I have to disagree with us being a laughing stock because of our interest in physical appearance. I wouldn't be able to stand even looking at someone with bad teeth smiling. Or deal with the inevitable halitosis. Hopefully you guys have a surplus of gum and mints...

If you're not equating post-puberty with intelligence, why do you keep using pre-puberty as an insult? If puberty has no significance, why do you use the concept as a way to negate what I say? Is it because you're a twat? I think so.

All this time you spend on here keeps you from making your kiddie films. Why don't you go film some more crap films and maybe I'll be able to find them on YouTube, under the tag of "morons."

PS - You're not DrStef007 on YouTube, are you? If so, saw some films... you's an ugly dude.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Bad teeth don't equate to halitosis, joey.

I think that bad teeth UK vs bad teeth USA have nowt in common. Knowing how many inbred jethro's there are in your part of the world, I can imagine the dental problem to be horrendous.

Brits have personality, and yanks have to make up a lack of, through physical improvement.

We are satisfied with how we are born and don't feel the need to cheat nature in such a Zager and Evans 2525 way.

Yanks came up with silicone implants and various other cosmetic solutions. This is because the US is nothing but cosmetic. It is a land of immigrants and convicts and therefore it has no rich historical value beyond the past couple hundred years.

We brits find people with fixed teeth a little nauseating to look at, actually. If we wanted to look like "The Mask", we all would. Tom Cruise and Shania Twain had *beep* awful teeth before they had 'em done.

Most of your biggest stars are actually Canadian or European or even Australasian. Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Schwarzenegger. The American is a dying breed because no one cares for them. The United States of Embarrassment!

And don't try to engratiate yourself by pretending to know when to use the word "twat".

I am DrStef007! Why, if I was prettier would you send me some flowers?

Another man considering me as ugly is of no concern of mine. I don't live in the US where a person is awarded with success, dependent on how handsome he is.
The US attitude is old hat.

Ha! You had to check those films out tho', din't ya?

And if you dislike them, fine. You wasted more of your time watching crap you didn't like, but at least I never asked you to pay to see it. Don't forget to leave some nice negative comments whilst knowing that the quality outclasses FATE every step of the way!

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


So basically you're trying to say that there are excuses for you guys having bad teeth and you looking like roadkill. Whatever helps you sleep at night dude.

Americans have plenty of personality and that's why we have the grand movie industry and you guys have Ab Fab. I think Ab Fab is funny, but even the TV shows here have a lot better quality.

The fact that you think we're all inbred and have "big" teeth is ridiculous. Just because we have nice teeth doesn't make us less. In fact, it makes us look better. We don't want to have gnarly teeth so we do what we can to not look ugly. Thing is, if an American with nice teeth goes to your country, they'd get a hell of a lot more positive reception than you and your gross teeth would here.

I did watch your "movies," if you can call them that. They're like 2 minutes long. I can see why you say the quality is good and the only reason is you're not making a legitimate movie. ANYONE could make the crap I saw that you made. I won't leave you any negative comments on there because it goes unspoken. Anyone who sees your crap will naturally roll their eyes without me having to persuade them. But you are so blindly confident in yourself that, once again, you'll deny reality and live in your pathetic little, ugly-toothed world.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Ha ha. We just don't give a crap about what you yanks think about us. Same old oppressive yank attitude. You guys hate that we have bad teeth and think we should change. But it delights us that it pisses you off because it shows that we don't need the US to validate us.

And you don't have nice teeth. They are all veneers and caps and bridges. You wanna look like the Bee Gees, that's fine. Just don't expect the rest of us to take you seriously.

You yanks do what you do not to look ugly to hide the fact that you are all ugly on the inside.

One of my comedy heroes is Bob Grant. His teeth were notoriously bad, and he had a big hooter like a witch. But I'd rather watch that guy and I laugh harder at him than anybody the US has to offer. Will Ferrell, for example, is only as funny as his hair, in each movie. That's all he does to try to make his appearance funnier. Hilarious!

Christopher Walken is a good example of someone with bad teeth from the US. And he's one of the most respected actors around. And Todd Rundgren also has poor teeth. He is one of the most respected musicians.

On the flipside, John McGinley's teeth are just sickening, and you can see he's had loads of work done.

If someone in my area had their teeth fixed and they looked like McGinley's, they would be laughed at wherever they went.

If a yank came to my country with their fixed chompers, they'd more than likely have them knocked out by the locals. I'm telling you, we DON'T like it here. He would just get our backs up and he would be lynched. The UK isn't as friendly as "European Vacation" makes out.

As for the flipside, no one from the UK wants to be even associated with the US, let alone visit. With your nauseating, saccherine sweet smiles and false essence. I would get a toothache just looking at you. America would be a great place...if it weren't full of americans.

You say that US TV has more money thrown at it. Yeah, that's why so many shows are cancelled. Because, they throw millions of dollars at them and they are still the same old crap. I would rather watch Knight Rider than half of your new shows.

As for my films, those are only examples of our shorts cos it takes too long to upload bigger films.

And a movie can be 2 min's long, you hypocrite, just as a movie can be a pile of steaming logs (FATE).

The quality is good because the director knows how to use his equipment, and can actually be bothered to get up and move around instead of sitting on his fat yank ass in an SUV for the whole shoot.

And yes, I am very confident that we produced much better entertainment than FATE. I stand by that, no kidding, mate. With a cast of one person, sustaining the action for 10 minutes, that's more than FATE could possibly ever hope to achieve.

Keep up the teeth insults, mate. For one, they make me laugh anyway, and two, it only proves my point about a yank's inability to see through imperfections.

UGLY BETTY?...come on, get real. Then again...she does wear glasses so I suppose she MUST be ugly!

Tee hee...those poor, deluded hicks.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


It's funny that you assume all Americans have caps and fake parts of their body to become beautiful. While that might be true for movie stars and rich people, most people here do not go there. I have very nice teeth and they are all mine.

TV shows are cancelled because they aren't the general audience's cup of tea. Many shows that have cult followings, like Buffy or Freaks and Geeks were oftentimes overlooked, but if you were to look at a list of the best shows of all time, they'd be on it. It's because the humor is better and smarter, but people just don't "get it." You wouldn't know any of this though because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Ugly Betty did not start out as an Amerian show. That show started out in Hispanic countries and there are several countries that have their own versions, which were on TV long before the American version. Again, you don't know what you're talking about.

I seriously can't see how you can be so happy with your gnarly teeth. I don't see us here in America as being obsessed with beauty as much as our interest in dental hygeine. And I doubt your people are such thugs that they would react violently to an American with decent teeth. If they would, they'd be even more hick-like than 95% of the US.

Your shows suck no matter what you say. I doubt a longer version would be any better. I wouldn't want to sit through a longer POS anyway.

Keep deluding yourself. It seems to help you cope with your sad life, your disgusting teeth, your fugly face and your crappy little movies.

PS - Ever heard of paragraphs?

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Sorry mate. Did you just say something?

I wasn't paying attention.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.



"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



You've just proven yourself a great example of arrogance.

While the movie isn't as shiny as a normal movie is, for what they had to work with, they made a thrilling, funny movie. Sucks that you guys can't see it that way.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



After reading your other posts, I can see that you're not even someone to take seriously. You make random, pointless posts and that's all you seem to do. Even your replies to people are strange and inconsistent with the thread. I really hope that the 1983 in your name isn't the year you were born. You should have had plenty of time to develop a brain.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



I have no problem with you bashing a movie on its merits. But don't stoop to the low level of insulting an entire country. Shame on you, as any semblance of intellect would dissuade someone from making the broad analysis you have done. And yes, I realize this is over four years after the fact.

'What difference you think you can make, one man in all this madness?"





Frankly, this one of the best indie horror films i've seen in recent memory.

May u finally rest in peace


"this one of the best indie horror films i've seen in recent memory."


"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



Here, here swordman1983. A man with taste!

These 2 yanks have got their cocks buried up the FATE director's asses and are not to be taken seriously.

Probably heavily medicated too!

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Dude, does telling yourself these lies actually work? Is this really how you live your life- ignoring reality? You're just a bitter person because you look like a grungy homeless person who was dropped on their face as a baby. It's gotta be hard going through life like that.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



Sorry, hmoviefan.

The thing is, I did respect the guy's opinion about it but he attacked me for saying, pretty much, the same as you.

He started getting personal because I said the movie is awful, which it is.

I attacked the movie, he attacked me (very mildly at first) which I'm not going to have. Also, what the guy doesn't understand, is that I went into this movie wanting to like it. But there was nothing to enjoy.

You're right. I guess the only thing I can do is be mature about the whole thing and say...

"He started it!"


"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Ha! The first thing I said was that I couldn't believe you found the movie incoherent and that I was sorry for you. Then your reply said this:

"I'm glad you like the movie, though. It makes me feel like the world is a nicer place, you know, like when you see that an ugly person who has been single for years suddenly has a lover. You think: "Ah, how sweet. I wouldn't touch 'em with a barge pole but it's nice to see that SOMEONE likes 'em!"

What the hell is that? That's an insult, so no, you started the insults. What's funny though is that I've seen what you look like and you have absolutely no right to talk about ugly people.

You two find me a better cheaply-made movie with that budget and I'll consider the idea that someone could do better. I can't find the budget for Dog Soldiers, but considering they were able to get a werewolf costume on top of the rest of their budget, I know that they must have had a significantly greater budget than FATE. According to this website, FATE's budget was an estimated budget of $4,000. Who knows how close to this the filmmakers really wre.

And according to your profile, moviefan, you're not even 17. You don't even have developed tastes yet. Maybe when you're older you'll have a different opinion about FATE.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"




It's not so much that I want you people to like this movie, as to understand that the movie's production isn't as good as it could be because of its budget, etc. If you were to say the plot was crappy or something along those lines, fine. But to use the quality, knowing what they had to work with, as a means to say this movie is crap is ignorant. That's why you people don't like it- because it isn't well produced. That's why I'm defensive.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"



I guess I just don't the problems you have with the movie. The soundtrack, if you can call it that, was ridiculous, but it's not like they could hire a composer or even purchase rights to music.

The acting, for amateur girl playing teenage girls, I thought they did fine. I didn't find it hard to relate to them or feel scared for them because they weren't very good actors.

The concept of the movie and where they went with it was very disturbing and it often caught me off guard, like when that one girl throws her crap at the woman's windshield. I never saw something like that coming. Or how graphic it actually got with the torture put upon them.

I thought the girls were funny. They acted like young girls would act in a situation like that. The little blonde one was funny with her sarcasm. I just thought the script was funny. Like when they were kind of admitting their guilt over how they've treated each other; while it is a serious concept, the way the say it and what they say is actually comedic, and it's supposed to be.

This wouldn't be the first time that I found a movie to be great, but that 99% of everyone else thinks it sucks. I don't see a lot of movies with this kind of budget so I don't know personally that one could be better. The only one I tried to watch was this movie called Dead Clowns. While the picture and sound are all good, the story and acting and everything else was awful.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


You started the insults. Josephrh, with "sorry for you" which was a very passive/subtle insult, suggesting I'm too simple to get the movie's premise.

You then instigated the nastiness by calling me a dumbf uck for fortifying my reasons for disliking it. Why don't you show us all a picture of yourself and we'll see who's laughing! If I gave a rat's ass about what you thought about me, physically, I wouldn't have admitted to being DrStef007 now would I?

The violence in FATE is NOT graphic and is mostly insinuated. Eg. A girl that had her teeth yanked out, apparently, is then seen with a full set of teeth but with blood on them. Even the most useless of directors should make an attempt to black a couple of teeth out or something.

But my main problem with this film, as I stated many, many times, is that it is a sucker punch to the majority of the DVD renting public who just want to rent a half decent movie and find themselves watching this crap.

It might be fun for the production crew to gather their friends and family together to watch FATE but it's unfair on the rest of the public who shell out their £'s and $'s on it. Why did it get such distribution?... I guess we'll never know and it can only mean that anything...and I mean ANYTHING can get a DVD distribution deal.

And the fact that you gave it 10 out of 10 (my favourite movie is probably "Big Trouble In Little China" and I would probably give that a 9 and a half) beggars belief.

Yes, it's your opinion, but giving FATE such a positive bias can only lead people to think that you are either in the production team's pocket, are related to them or are, in fact, one of the directors yourself. In which case, I'm surprised I'm not having to call you "Mr. Smithee".

Yes, please blow FATE's trumpet, but don't get in a gay strop fit when the rest of us say what we see, which is a pile of rancid nappy dumplin's.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


You said the movie was incoherent, which suggested that you were confused. I said I was sorry for you because it's such a simple movie that if one were to be confused, it would be downright pathetic. I don't really know how else I could have approached that except to not show pity for you.

If I were to show a picture of myself, where would I send it to? I can't post it here. But I can tell you FOR A FACT that I'm far better looking than any plastic surgery could help you ;)

It was graphic. The teeth being pulled could have been back teeth, so you wouldn't see them. Then there's the part with the screwdrive in that one girl's crotch. It was all bloody and drippy. That's graphic.

If people don't bother to check out a preview or even look at the pictures on the back of the DVD, then they brought this sucker punch on themselves.

I gave it a 10 out of 10 to, in the tiniest way, offset the bad scores. But since I do like it, I don't feel bad for rating it a 10.

giving FATE such a positive bias can only lead people to think that you are either in the production team's pocket, are related to them or are, in fact, one of the directors yourself.
This is how your brain works. Well, yours and other dimwits. Don't try speaking for everyone.

"pile of rancid nappy dumplin's"

This sounds gross. Like something you'd find stuck in that nasty facial hair of yours.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


Sorry mate, you and the other guy (probably the other director) have to face up to the fact that, apart from you two, nobody on this thread likes this movie.

Bah, your insults mean nowt to me in that you're too chicken to show yourself. Put a photo in Photobucket and leave a link to it so we can see you in all your wonderful glory. And I promise to be objective.

I too, thought Buffy was cool. I think that most people "got" it too. It ran long enough so you can't say it was cancelled cos no one got it. It was just time for it to go.

However, it committed the cardinal sin by spectacularly miscasting Nicholas Brendon in the part of Xander.

Xander was supposed to be a put-upon, bullied geek but was played by a guy about 6'2" and with the physique of an olympic athlete. Why can't the US cast people, who look like geeks, as geeks.

No wonder Superman is a US creation. Only yanks could be fooled by a pair of specs as a disguise.

Also, what the hell is with "Hersey's" bars? What kind of sick joke is that?

A chocolate bar...a confectionery that BURNS you!

You guys in the US are sick.

It's no wonder you all got perfect teef! Your sweeties (or candies) are so evil that it's enough to put kiddies off of 'em for life!

I reckon that Hersey's are in league with the US dental assoc!

But I digress...

PS: How long's your ponytail now?

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


Where are you? Have gone to some other plane of reality? What's all this crap about geeks, ponytails and Hershey's bars? You need an organizer for your head.

If I put a link to a pic on photobucket, everyone else who goes here can copy the link and do whatever they like with my picture. I made the mistake of putting the link to my MySpace profile on here and some bitch started her own thread about it. Funny- she was in your country too. Guess the yanks aren't necessarily the biggest asholes.
I found your picture by searching myself. I'm on MySpace, so why don't you try using what you know about me to find me there. I'm in TX and I'm 25. Start there.

PS - you know why everyone on this thread hates this movie? Because there have been about 5 people on this thread so far and 2 out of them found this movie to be entertaining. When this movie is released on DVD in the US, I'll make a point to see how people feel. The movie might get a better reception here.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


"Xander was supposed to be a put-upon, bullied geek but was played by a guy about 6'2" and with the physique of an olympic athlete. Why can't the US cast people, who look like geeks, as geeks."

Nicholas Brendon is 5'11"...but it's good to know that being 5'11" myself, I can go around telling people I'm almost 6'2"

Hey, this guy's not gonna leak all over my ice cream, is he?


That was a visual estimation about Brendon's height. He looked a good foot taller than Buffy, who I'm sure is not taller than 5'2". However, the guy was too buff to be considered a realistic target for jocks and bullies.

As for there being more negative views on FATE here than positive...that's 3 to 2 in my favour then isn't it?...That's a majority rule.

I was talking to someone else about FATE today and they said their mate had paid £14.00 for it (roughly $28.00) on retail. He was not a happy bunny and my mate said that he borrowed it from said mate and just found himself fast-forwarding it, waiting for something to happen.

I hope it does do better in the US. I wonder why they tested it on us in the UK first?

What reason did you give the girl from the UK to take the mick out of your photo, Josephrh? What movie did you two disagree on?

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


"However, the guy was too buff to be considered a realistic target for jocks and bullies. "

Personally I never cared about that, that was only a small portion of who his character was in the first couple of seasons, the seasons after that his being bullied wasn't even an issue.

And I can see how you would estimate his height like that seeing him stand next to people like Seth Green and Gellar- he does look like a giant.

Hey, this guy's not gonna leak all over my ice cream, is he?


A nerd or a geek can have a great body, it's just what they do in their personal lives or how they act that would make them geeky. Not to mention, people on TV are pretty much always pretty. Look at movies where a nerd gets a make-over. We're supposed to see them as nerds, until they put some make-up on or get cool clothes, and then they're "hot."

I don't know why they tested this movie out in the UK. Maybe it's cheaper for someone in America to get a release in another country. I really don't know.

As for that one bitch: she was on the "I Know Who Killed Me" message board (yes another movie that everyone but me hates). She found out that I was gay and started an entire thread with all sorts of slurs and making links to pictures that she could come up with crappy things to say about them. That post got removed pretty fast though.

Some good advice for your friend: Never buy a movie before you've seen it. That has only worked in my favor once and the only reason I bought it was because my local video store didn't carry it. Months later, they are, but I really wanted to see it. It was the movie, "Them."

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


I haven't seen "I Know Who Killed Me" so I can't comment on that.

I think they should have hired someone like Heather Matarazzo for Ugly Betty. She is slightly less attractive than "Hollywood" ugly and she's an OK actress too.

I saw "Them" about a year ago. Yeah, I thought it was Ok. I don't know if they do this in the US, but here in the UK, they don't make it obvious in TV spots that a movie is foreign language. I know that doesn't make much difference to the story (especially horror) but it's something that should be made apparent. Some people don't want to have to read subs in a film. Is "The Strangers" a remake of "Them"?

That's a drag that that bird made an issue of your gayness. Especially as no one really gives a *beep* about that kind of thing nowadays. Well, not in the UK anyway.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


You would probably hate IKWKM. Me and about 5% of America actually think it's a good movie. Tons of editing errors, but for me, so much more to like.

I like America Ferrera because she's witty and a great actress. Heather is perfectly ugly, but a lot of people wouldn't watch a show with her as the main attraction. Plus I also think they wanted to keep the Hispanic element in since it started out that way.

They don't make it obvious here if a movie is in another language. But also, most foreign films don't get into theaters here. If they do, they'll most likely be dubbed because a majority of Americans are too stupid to be able to read the subtitles and watch the movie (or that's what they tell themselves). I usually know ahead of time if a movie I'm persuing is in another language.

The Strangers is in the vein of Them, but not exactly the same. Them was more subtle with the intruders, whereas in Strangers, you see them all the time in those masks. I wasn't impressed by the movie because the concept's been done to death, but the ending did sit with me for a long time.

Yeah, that chick was a bitch. And here I've been acting the same way. I'm sorry for being such a sh!thead. I don't know why I get so worked up over movies.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


No worries.

If you like the movie, you like the movie.

You got passion for it and that's cool.

Glad you stuck to your guns.

Peace out.

"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


LOL 6 pages and this argument still continues.

This movie sucks dick, 'nuff said.



Dude, u said in another post that IMDB is to say ur opinion, right? then, u are clearly not respecting one. Joseph liked this film, so is his opinion, he is not crazy or need to seek a doctor he liked this film and thats it, u should respect it. I liked it, too and what? its my opinion, if u dont like it then fine alright, but u shouldnt said people are crazy for liking this. U said that this site is to say ur opinion remember???




Good acting? it wasnt very profesional or an oscar or academy award acting, but it wasnt as bad as people are saying. The girls tried to do their best, and really i've seen worst actors. And it wasnt unrealistic, of course there was one named "Stephanie" that one was atrocious! But the others were acceptable.

Good dialogue? No, the dialogue was pretty bad at some parts, but the director wanted to show us 5 innocent girls, and really innocent and inmature girls can be really stupid, i am in High School and i know what i am telling you. So, the bad dialogue was part of what the director wanted to show us, but of course many people dont understand that.

Good directing? Well, yeah there was some cool scenes. I liked the chase scenes, and some other crazy and WTF moments were pretty nasty, cool, brutal and somewhat shocking. So, yeah the directing was good for what it was, i mean 5 girls in a van and another psycho woman chasing them, so yeah with that little of a plot the movie had a lot of crazy stuff. So yeah, i think the directors did a lot of crazy and different stuff.

Scary? Mmmm...Not really scary, but it was pretty intense and it was a hell of a ride, pretty disturbing and raw in parts.

Funny? No, actually it was disturbing and somewhat shocking. Great little low budget shocker. It was terrifying, too and different.

interesting? Actually yes. It was refreshing, different, intense, terrifying and quite disturbing in parts. And it was pretty raw, and all that rawness makes the film felt more real and more disturbing. many people hated it cause its not the typical Hollywood horror film. I loved it cause it wasnt Hollywoodish, cause it was different, cause it was very raw and cruel, now thats a great indie horror film. Sorry, that it wasnt ur typical Hollywood PG-13 remake "drivingaway23" . ohh and i love that at the ending the girls innocence was gone and now they are strong women Thanks to that evil bitch. Of course the movie had its flwas like i already said in another thread, but still a great indie horror film IMO, better than many.




Thanks! yeah, there are a lot of movies i have to watch there. But i am having problems with my computers audio, so i cant watch it right now LOL. I said the Hollywood thing cause i am pretty sure that many people that hated this film is because they cant stand low budget films, but they can stand "Hollywood" films. maybe i was wrong with u. i know i am in minority but i actually could see what the director was trying to make with this film, and it actually work IMO, and the low quality creates a creepy and raw atmosphere IMO. But anyways .

