Interesting movie

*English is not my primary langage.

I read the comments on the board before watching the movie and I was expecting a piece of trash.

Actually, I thought the movie have potential. Many times while I was watching, I told myself "What if ?"

What if the script has been polished a bit, got some decent actresses in it, more post-production energy invested into, a decent soundtrack.

Because, there are some positive aspect in the movie. The "in the van" concept is original, the director tries to implement character arcs and group dynamic. The villain has original motivation.

It is not even an indie movie for me, it is an amateur movie, much like the first homemade movies Scorcese and Spielberg has made. I am not comparing the director of FATE to those geniuses, not even to Sam Raimi or George Romero, all I am saying is that there is some potential there.

Let's the flaming begins :)



What's bad though when you do a 'handheld camera' movie like this is that you inadventantly become one of the cast members. In this movie you just sit there, in the van, while your friends are raped with shotguns. They all run around screaming bloody murder, you just sit there, in the van.

Good attempt, failed execution.
