MovieChat Forums > Five Across the Eyes Discussion > Review (10 out of 10) Review (10 out of 10)

Five Across the Eyes Movie Review

"Five Across the Eyes" is the debut feature from Tenn. filmmakers Ryan Thiessen and Greg Swinson. In a lot of ways the movie bears the "debut" label every second of its 91 minute running time. There was not the budget for a slick looking Hollywood production. The video image is grainy, the sound up and down and in the begining of the film the acting is strained, to say the least.

But something happens about 6 minutes into the film that turns these "low budget" dermerits into startling positives. It makes the movie feel "real".

Not real in a "Blair Witch" fake documentary style, but real as if you were observing these events. Real in a "I Spit on Your Grave" sort of way.

In this day an age of news clips being captured by camera phones and rebroadcast around the world, in this media age where an audio tape of Osama Bin Ladin will be played on the 6 o'clock news, or a shaky videoclip of a carbomb exploding, or a security camera showing a young girl's a viewing audience our eyes and ears have become tuned to this--the look and sound of realistic terror.

Mr. Thiessen and Mr. Swinson have crafted a world that looks, sounds and feels real. These are not 30 year old Hollyowood Actresses playing the part of 15 year old girls trying to make it home from the Highschool football game. These ARE teenage girls. The way they talk, the way they bicker and turn on eachother. And because they feel so real, the brutality they suffer at the hands of one completely unhinged woman is simply shocking.

Sodomy with a screwdriver.

Teeth removed.

Fingers bitten off.

Electrocuted with jumper cables.

After a slew of horror films that victimize its characters just for the fun of it (leading to a supposed backlash against "torture-porn" which is really nothing more than unimaginative sadism), "Five Across The Eyes" makes every moment of horror these girls suffer have actual consequences. You feel the distinct possibility that these characters will never be the same. Watching what this insane woman does to them is not fun. It is not a rollercoaster of exhileration that you get off and smile about. It is a car crash. Sudden, brutal and deadly.

This is a film where there are no men. It is in real time. The camera never leaves the van. The only death you see on screen is one you are cheering for.

And yet when you are finished watching it, the film will gnaw at your conscience for days.

It is a remarkable debut feature from a filmmaking team that you will be bragging about years from now.


this movie looks so real and suspenful


I fail to see what exactly is remarkable about this film. It seems to fit into th e classic slasher horror scenario. 5 girls are stalked across the country side by a psycho killer. Nothing new there. It doesn't matter what the killer's motivation is, whether it be sadism for profit ala Hostel to I have a death wish and will kill everything in my path til its granted ala The Hitcher, the results are still the same. Does the acting set new heights? No. Not by a long shot. The performances didn't seem real at all. Everything from the dialogue to the delivery was ameteurish. And not surprising since it was done by amateurs. But the camera does make me feel like I was there. That would definitely be what it would look like if i was a hyperactive Ritalin case prone to spasmodic seizures. I'm in no way knocking the filmmakers by this. I applaud their efforts for I know how hard it is to complete a film project. They came through and pulled something off with the very limited resources available to them. Bravo gentlemen.


more *beep* did they pay you? or are you just stupid? dont anwser. it must be both. this is pure crap. none of the things mentioned here are even scary...there is no sodomy (look up the definition dumb ass)nor is it shown..only implied by a muttered line or two...the finger bite scene looks like tofu, the electrocution is also not seen..only implied and i must have completely missed the tooth scene among all the senseless blabbering and fake screaming. again...a home movie that somehow got into imdb...i am gonna make my own film now...its 90 minutes of me kicking my cat...equally entertaining. <- never heard of it...and after seeing your review...will never go there...hope it was worth the fifty bucks or the comps they gave ya.


I hate to have to respond to you, because I know that all you do is rant and rave all over the IMDB with your nasty remarks, but the "sodomy" as they call it is shown, as best as they realistically can. They show one of the girls pulling the bloody screwdriver out of the other girls "anatomy".


You have never heard of Clearly your not a real horror fan..

