MovieChat Forums > Five Across the Eyes Discussion > How could Lions Gate distribute this ??

How could Lions Gate distribute this ??

Lets look beyond the fact that this film is complete excrement due to the small matters of , no plot , incredibly bad film quality that goes in and out of focus at will, dire "acting", dreadful sound, retarded dialogue "Don't go out there, she'll get you, if she gets you she'll kill you and if she kill's you you're dead" and the signature of all s*hit horror movies, the heavy metal soundtrack.

Look beyond that and marvel at how Lions Gate films decided to package, market and distribute a movie that a couple of 15 year olds could have slapped
together in a weekend for a dare. If this can get distributed, it's a free for all, the directors dad must be the head of Lions Gate. I've seen some dire horror films in my time - Blood Trails , Death Tunnel , Omen 4 but this is, without a doubt, the big daddy of them all.

Astoundingly bad.



Well since Anchor Bay did, not LG, I guess you have your answer


. . . Not that I would put anything past Lion's Gate. They have yet to turn out anything that doesn't look like it was slapped together in someone's backyard, with the same cast of a half-dozen whiny college dropouts . . . "Saw" included.


That's one of the first things I look for, is the Lionsgate name. I've been burned too many times by them: "From Hell," "American Psycho," "Saw 2," "Saw 4" to name a few.
But then, they are also responsible for "The Descent" and "3:10 to Yuma."


Movies, Captions, Hotties and more:


Yeah, OK, and I liked "Lord of War". (Don't tell anyone.)


It was a Lionsgate release in the UK.

"You look unhappy. I like that" - Janitor, 'Scrubs'
