MovieChat Forums > Five Across the Eyes Discussion > i just rented this from blockbuster (UK)...

i just rented this from blockbuster (UK)....

.... and that was without a doubt the worst quality film ive ever seen from a dvd that was rented from a dvd rental store.

i usually dont tend to go onto a films messageboard and slag it off but im shocked that something this low budget managed to creep in to blockbuster for rent - i wasnt expecting much, the dvd cover made it look like a film with a similarly low budget to stuff like "see no evil", "shredder" and "butchered"... so yeah, i LIKE lowbudget/indie horrors.... but really, this was was honestly like a film you can imagine someone making and putting onto youtube, but 90 minutes long! im sorry if i offend any fans of this film, but im just annoyed that i couldnt see what the hell was going on half the time, the sound was poor and the picture was like watching blairwitch and cloverfield at the same time while jumping on a bouncy castle.

maybe not the absolute worst film ive ever seen, but certainly the most low-budget film i have EVER seen, and ive seen some cheapo's trust me. not good. not good at all.

not worth the rent. hehehe i'm actually considering asking for my £3.95 back and tell them to take it off the shelves :) if i don't, then congratulations to the film-makers for making money out of something that clearly cost no more than £50 to produce.


"and ive seen some cheapo's trust me." REALLY???
SO have u seen any ULLI LOMMEL film?? Those are completely no budget films and bad made films.


uli lommel! haha i loooove the "boogeyman" - classic crappy horror... when that kid gets squashed by the window i laugh everytime - sequel was rubbish though..... in fact, i love crap movies, "troll2", "manos", "demon-cop", "the dark power", "pieces", i love all that rubbish. but for me "bad films" usually make me laugh, and this movie did everything but.

im also a big slasher fan and i watch a lot of them - its a bit hit-n-miss when it comes to these crappy dtv ones nowadays though, although im in the minority that kinda liked "camp blood" and that was cheeeeeeap. However, even "camp blood" had production values which were higher than this film. I appreciate what the producers intended to do, but for me, it was so badly made and so inept that to be honest, i feel a bit robbed.

i think if the sound and picture quality wasnt so damn murky it could've been a bit better, that was my main problem with it - it was terrible. i still want my damn money back!


Yeah is true picture quality wasnt that good, much people hated it and i understand but i found the movie like everything that happened felt very real and the poor picture quality and sound and handheld cheapy camera help the movie in that feeling, thats why i really liked it. But thats just me, my opinion. Have u seen THE RAVEN from ULLI LOMMEL? Thats the worst film i've ever seen . Watch KNOCK KNOCK is a new slasher it was completely terrible IMO but u like crappy slashers so give it a try .


hey pallisrs, any chance you rented from Blockbusters in Clydebank? I was on shift tonight and a woman came in and complained about the films low budget quality and how it was essentially "porn like" and disgusting! She didn't directly ask for her money back but I was in a good mood and decided to do it anyway. Just wondering if you are her.

p.s If you are a guy you are definetly not her!


hahaha no it wasn't me! thats so funny that someone got there money back over this film! you are a legend though matey to just give her her money back, i wish there were more people like you!

it didn't offend me so i don't think i'll go in there guns blazing how "disgusting" it was. I might mention the crappiness of it when i hand it back but as much as i would like my money back, i'm not angry enough about it to actually fight for it!

funny story though - anyone else rent this from blockbuster UK and asked for their money back???


Opposite. Me and my girlfriend rented it. Loved it. Rented it again last week to show her flat mates.




The worse film i've ever seen. I spent the first half hour thinking it was some sort of back story set up thing and that they'd walk out a class and decide to check the place out for real. It wouldn't have been so bad if the actresses hadn't been so bad and had been able to make the typical college girl type more believable. I've seen porn better acted lol.


Yeah, this is the worse film i've ever seen, but didn't have the energy to ask for my money back..... again, it didn't offend me, and i should've known it was gonna be rubbish from the fact it had strap lines on the front from "slasherpool" and "killer reviews" - Another really bad film that competes with this is called something about the Hamiltons (or something like that), that film is equally as bad.... and i recently watched Shrooms, which was only slightly better than this film. Why do these films keep getting released, there hasn't been a decent (English language) horror film for ages!! I did ask for my money back from Blockbuster when i rented 24 hour Party People - a long time ago - not my type of film at all, and i got my money back.


I work at a Blockbuster's. Don't shout at us please. We only rent out what comes in and we don't get a say about it. And we don't give credits for films because you don't like them. Sorry.


OH SNAP!!..Me and my cousin rented this film from Blockbusters! We saw the cover and it looked really decent but i was dissapointed overall. Quality was horrible and from the get go i thought what a waste of good ,hard earned money lol.. Storyline was dreadful and nothing really happened. It was really a car chase throughout

O well, we took the piss out of the film and enjoyed it as much as we could =]

"See ya in anotha' life, brotha'!"


had the excact same experience and completely agree.. terrible quality, the sound levels were up a down, the camera although trying to be blair witch like, was literally a camera you borrow from college. Its beyond me how it reached blockbuster and that I paid £3.95 to watch it. The worst acting I've ever seen the worst editing I've ever seen...Some classic lines though...

"If you go outside she'll kill you, and if she kills you, you'll be dead"

Thanks for that..


I rented it from Blockbuster last week, but only because I had a free rental voucher. I'm glad I didn't pay to see it.


Five girls in a car, slasher movie, some may not survive.
Sounds good eh.
I thought this would be a low budget movie with bad acting, and if it was I would have been happy.
In this case i wasn't. I wanted to switch it off about 10 mins in but my friend said we have to finish it. After 30 mins I said to him 'I HATE YOU' and I meant it.

This is without a doubt the most pathetic film I've ever seen. It looks like some pissed up fool decided to get his mates to do a film using his mobile phone camera.
I can't compare it to any other movie as nothing is as bad.

However I have decided to tell all my friends that this movie is brilliant, I'm even gonna put something on my facebook. Others must suffer as I have done.

I'm going for a refund.......


"I thought this would be a low budget movie with bad acting, and if it was I would have been happy."

You're unhappy with it, so does that mean it's a big budget movie with good acting? If not, you should be happy, according to what you've stated.

"Obviously you have a beef, Stew, but please don't stir things up" - Geoffrey Jellineck


Also saw this just last night after renting from Blockbuster (UK).

I can't believe how bad this 'film' is. And I have to say that although it didn't offend - it did disgust me.

It wasn't horror. It was barely a film. It was however an embarrasingly disgusting mess which reeked of cheapness and lazy half-arsed 'ideas'.

I love horror. I even like the recent gore-focused movies (SAW is one of the best horror series to be produced in decades imho). But this...?


SAW is one of the best horror series to be produced in decades imho
That says everything.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tip a willow?"



oh. my. god.

i got this from blockbuster in manchester cos i had these vouchers (7 rentals for £4.99) it's been on ten minutes, i cannot believe what i am watching, it looks like someone's media project.

it's made worse by the fact that the other film i rented tonight was donkey punch, what am i doing with my life??!
