I get this film now. It's all part of some elaborate scheme in the Punk'd/Jamie Kennedy Experiment vain.

It's all become so obvious now. The whole thing is a setup to "X" the DVD renting public, internationally!

Put out the most atrocious and unacceptable junk to ever be recorded on film and see how many mugs rent it, and even better, see how many idiots pretend that they "get" it.

Get a few indie festivals and horror review sites to big it up and they all get to share in the $4000 that the producers had to offer!

Well done guys...the joke's on us!


"Not The Gold!!" - Augustus Steranko.


There's nothing to "get." Maybe the humor, but what you find is funny is pretty lame by American standards (going by your sad home-made movies). You're just jealous that they made such an interesting film with low budget when you can't even make a full-length, decent film.

"I thought you were the man with the big cigar. What are you packin'- a tiparillo?"


I know this film makes Ulli Lommel look like a GOD...or maybe just a good filmmaker....which he's not....because he's Ulli Lommel!

Check out my new film "Bloodstained Romance". I promise its nothing like F.A.T.E.


Ohh please! "This make ULLI LOMMEL like a GOD?? What the hell? ulli lommel is def the worst filmmaker ever and his films are the worst ever! He dont even try to make the film at least decent. At least FATE did a good effort, and did a very low budget horror movie with flaws, but original and smart and it was a nice surprise for me.

May u finally rest in peace
