MovieChat Forums > The Penguins of Madagascar (2008) Discussion > Why are King Julien and stuff in this...

Why are King Julien and stuff in this...

I really like the penguins, they are so awesome. The chimps are great, too.
But why do Julien, Maurice and Mort have to be in this? They really get on my nerves in the movies. I really enjoyed "A Christmas Caper", just for Julien & Co. not being in it!


I agree 100%!

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


This is NOT the king Julien show! It's all about the penguins. I sat there completely stone faced during the King Julien Day episode. The penguins are playing second fiddle on their own show! WTF is going on here!

Note to the writers: Take another look at the penguin sections of the two movies and the x-mas show and stop writing like it was some throwaway Hanna-Barbera skit. How about gearing it towards people older than 6.

The wasted potential here is staggering. The penguins are better than this and more clever.


King Julien is funny sometimes but in kind of a Jar Jar Binks sort of way. It does not take long for him to get on your nerves. I don't think he need to be in every episode. The Penguins have proved they can carry their own.


why? are you not enjoying his bottom?

What about that time I found you naked with that bowl of Jell-O?


I like King Julien more that Marline the new female character for some reason.
Maybe because she's a new and yet common looking character to start with.
But King Julien can be very annoying after a while, I'm so confused........


Yea i think it is because she is a goodie two shoers. She is always the reasonable one. But i hate nothing more than julian!


I don't really like King Julien or Maurice...but Mort is just adorable!


I LOVE King Julian! He is my favorite character because he is so funny!! IF it weren't for him I think the show would be pretty lame.



King Julien has some golden lines for sure ("oh penguins...! I would like to borrow your toothbrushes to scrub my hard-to-reach regions...!), but I agree that the lemurs don't need to be in every episode. They would probably be a lot more greatly appreciated if they were only in it every now and again. The penguins really aren't taking lead roles in most of the episodes which definitely doesn't make sense, as the show is called The Penguins of Madagascar...ha ha

Because nobody suspects the butterfly...

Proud Halepeño!


Mort is creepy-I thought he was cute, then I read that the producers wrote the character as a 35 year old with a foot fetish

and then that episode about King Juliens feet just killed the whole show for me-it creeped me out....

Proud member of IMDB for 3 years!


what is mort?


Mort is the weird gerbil-looking character that follows Julien around..he's small and has big eyes?

Proud member of IMDB for 3 years!


I wish the show was just about the penguins. It would be more exciting. Julien can show up every now and then but every episode it just gets annoying. I love Mort though. --Privates my favorite penguin--


They might as well just call it the King Julien show because he's in it more then the Penguins are...

Proud member of IMDB for 3 years!



The lemurs r better. King Julien is the best.


Julien, Maurice and Mort have to be in this because without them, there simply wouldn't be a show!!!! Do you have a clue and why are you whining? THE LEMERS ARE THE COMIC RELIEF. King Julien, of his own Kingly essence would have Mort turn the screen down on the so-called Ultimate Movie...whatever, and just laugh!


No joke. Whenever my little brothers watch this, I'm like, "is that lemur SUPPOSED to be funny?"

Seriously, this and most other modern Nick shows try so hard to be funny, and epically fail at it 99.9% of the time.

The more people I meet, the more I get why Jane Goodall spends all of her time with chimps.....


King Julian is so lame.. I can't stand him, overated character that gets on your nerves.

Now its not to say I wouldn't want him making appearances his almighty attitude is funny, aswel him being stupid... but too much of it is just annoying. His sidekick Maurice is good enough, I don't mind him.

Mort, well he really should get more appearances.. awesome little character soo soo funny.. he should stop worshiping Julian though

anyway I watch this show for the Penguins and there adventures!


King Julian and his loyal subjects is the ONLY reason i watch this show, the Penguins are B O R I N G

They're not even a BIT funny, atleast king Jullian and the other 2 is Hilarious 100% of the time



yeah i agree king julien is the funniest character in the show.


I think he's funny but gets too much screen time. This show is, after all, supposed to be about the penguins!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


They are on the show because they are funny! It would not be as good a show without them!


My take: I watched an episode of this out of morbid curiousity, and I just LOVED it.

The Penguins are crazy, I love how they carry everything out like it's a Military operation. It's a crazy, ludicrous concept, and that's probably why it works. Kind of like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles XD

I find their antics, and the over-the-top fashion in which they do it to be genuinely entertaining and funny. The Kung-Fu-like action is good, too.

As for the other characters, I like Marlene and the Chimps, for the most part, as long as they simply add to a plot or scene, and don't overtake the whole story. Although the occasional episode starring them wouldn't be a bad thing, if done right, in my opinion. Side characters do need their time in the spotlight, afterall.

As for the Lemurs, I can't stand Julien, in the earlier episodes, his sole purpose seemed to be to bully and belittle anyone that is not him. Anytime he's not being the Supreme Grand Master of Arrogance and @$$holery, he's pretty tolerable, I suppose. He does get some good lines, and his mangling of the English language is pretty funny, but the way he abuses the other characters (Yes folks, ABUSES) is simply not funny, but sick. Maurice I really don't mind, however, my Julien dislike causes me to take issue with Mort simply because he genuinely likes and respects Julien. That might not be so bad, if not for the fact that it extends into hero-worship, which can get pretty disturbing, especially as he almost seems to LIKE being abused by Julien. When not indulging in disturbing Julien worship, he can be pretty funny and likeable, I suppose.

Again though, for me, the selling point will always be the Main Characters, the Penguins. While I do enjoy deep and in-depth stuff, every now and again it's nice to just sit back with something simple and lighthearted.


Side characters do need their time in the spotlight, afterall.

Actually now a few of them have had more importance in the plots.

Marlene left the zoo with the Penguins and Julien to get snow cones and ended up going wild... so much in fact that in her most basic nature she fell in love with Julien (who delivered an awesome line at the end about women )

Then the most recent had a female chimp brought to the zoo while her old habitat was being repaired and Phil fell for her, only to suffer when she thought it was Mason who had the crush on her. A very good episode really as Phil only ever seems to care about flinging poo.

"If you should need me, tap this staff three times on a wall."
"No, it's just loud."
