Production quality

I never made it past the first 20 minutes. I love RW, but even she can't save the a movie that looks like it was shot with an iphone.

HD TV, and big budgets, make just sitting in front of the screen a joyride. Sometimes it's just so well shot and edited, that the story doesn't even matter. I've become spoiled by what my TV can potentially deliver to me when I turn it on. Cinematography has become 50% of my "will I watch it"? factor.

It makes watching a movie like this .....that obviously had enough meat in it to woo an actress of Rachel Weisz's caliber to take it on, but a rinky dink production company and no budget to make it competitive, extremely difficult to watch. I wasn't impressed with the acting here at all either. The lines sounded like they were being read off of a prompter.

If these were the good ole days when I'd be watching this on my Sony Trinitron in full screen format, I may have been able to stick with it to at least halfway. But those days are long gone, and today's technology has made watching movies like this a chore. WAAAAAAY over rated here on IMDB....the amount I saw of it anyway.

This movie won "politically correct" awards. I'd rather read a book about an important subject, than watch a poorly made movie about it.

A movie's rating should reflect the entire experience, and not just your love of a particular actor, or subject matter that attracts you to it. This movie was poorly made. I can't rate it, because I didn't see enough of it, however, that fact is a good clue as to what I would rate it if I did see it all.


I didn't notice.


Yes. On the paper good actors, yet terrible production quality, terrible acting.
One of the worst movies I've seen for quite some time.
