Extended editions

I have a really lukewarm feeling to this trilogy. Do the extended edits make it any better? I know they touched on some really good points with LotRs but I have a feeling that this may not have benefited much from the additional content.


They should release a "tightly edited" version, not an extended version.

And this from someone who has watched every minute of the extended LOTR DVDs and extras about 500 million times!


There are scenes in the Extended Versions that make the films better, but there are also scenes that are just more stupid crap.

For example, the first film has a great extra scene where Bilbo looks at the shards of Narsil and has a great talk with Elrond. But there's also another added scene of dwarves going down water slides naked in Lothlorien. Lolwtf?!!!

My advice is to seek out the Maple Films fan edit that edits all the films into one 4 hour film. It's not perfect, but it's the best way to watch these films.


Naked dwarves? Seriously? Geezuz....


Why doesn't Maple Films just make their own Hobbit movies since they are the experts?


Good idea!

I have since found another fan edit I like even better: M4 Book Edit.


Download the Maple Films edit.

Do it. It’s simple, and is the Hobbit book, on film. Perfect.


They're very much like the EE of LOTR. Some scenes are terrific and should have been part of the movie, some should have stayed cut. I enjoy them a great deal, it's the only version I watch.
