I miss this show

I miss watching this show.when I binged watched it it put me in a great place .I felt like I was part of the show


Me, too, although we watched it as it aired, so we didn't get the binge effect so much. It was a ragingly cool and original show with vivid characters.


I'm like that now with better call saul.its the next best thing


Glad I got the box set. Oops it comes in a barrel. Not kidding.


I've gone through the series 3 times now, since the last season aired. Better Call Saul further compliments the show, but it does have slightly different pacing. I can't wait till BCS starts to run in parallel with BB events, which is something writers were hoping to do one day.

The only episode of BB and BCS I dislike so far is Fly, I have rejected it from canon, and the episode before it flows perfectly into the episode after it. I have skip it on 2 of my 3 rewatches of the show.


..Then watch it again? Don't understand the problem?


Duh dat a good won


It is hard to make a tv shows worthy of a second watch, and as much as I loved Breaking Bad I don't feel like rewatching it anytime soon. The first three seasons are awesome but it started to go downhill at season 4. But rewatching then will not give me the same feeling.

There are a few movies that seem to get better everytime i rewatch them, but it is way easier to make a 2/3h movie rewatchable several time than a tv show that has 63 episodes of an average of 48 minutes of running time each.


I've re-watched Breaking Bad about 4 times now. I always re-watch good shows at least 1-2 times a year.


I don't want to sound rude but it just happens that some people have a life (or a full-time job).
