It was so funny

When Jesse actually thought Walt would save him from Todd and the Nazis and Walt’s response was “I watched Jane die”

Watching Jesse suffer was so rewarding for me


I'm still pissed they let Jesse live


I would rather he live and suffer than get an easy death. Let’s be honest the rest of his life is going to be nothing but pain and suffering


“I watched Jane die”
That felt very forced to me , like the writer knew the viewers were demanding Jessie found out about that at some stage.


Yeah...good for you.
It just proved everything that Jesse had thought correct.

But now you get to watch your fav some more with the new Breaking Bad film that will focus on Jesse's life after.
The jokes on you and I get to laugh..


Actually no all this proves is that Jesse is a crybaby rat who got what he had coming. Only a coward talks to the cops, you get busted, your family gets killed you suck it up and take it like a man

reply what kind of criminal are you?

It's a little more complicated than what you describe ...but you're free to just like the ones that poison children, kill old partners, kill people that haven't snitched but might just because they're alive and breathing and many other things that strike you as better.


Walt didn’t hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. As for Brock’s poisoning that is on Jesse, if Jesse hadn’t buddied up with Gus there never would have been a reason to poison Brock, and it was Jesse who took his mother away from him by trying to escape


Jesse wanted to pay for his sins, I see no better way than to be Todd’s meth slave but the gutless rat couldn’t hack it


Im looking forward to this movie
I hope Huell will be in it

I cant imagine he's still sitting around the safe house years later


He’s definitely still waiting for hank to come back


Maybe...he didnt seem like the most active guy around

He must have carved one hell of a sitting groove in that couch by now!


No doubt, the forthcoming black and white openers of Better Call Saul seasons will probably feature Huell sitting there patiently waiting.


That would be brilliant!
