Kotler reporting his father

What would they have done with his father if he reported him? Killed him?


If he had reported his father, yes he could've been killed. But it is also likely he would've been sent to Dachu or another camp for political dissidents.


If that happened, he deserved it anyways. I'd have no sympathy for him. He was a major jerk to the Jewish boy when Bruno gave him cake and to the Jewish man (forgot his name) who spilt the drink during dinner.


The one who would have been sent to a camp is his father, not him, you do understand that, right?


Well he was in Switzerland a neutral country so there's really nothing they could have done to the father but the Commandant seemed inclined to provide Kotler with an out in 'taking the air' which Kotler in a sense earned by beating the servant and proving himself.

We have to show the world that not all of us are like him: Henning von Tresckow.


He should've kept his mouth shut. He had the right to remain silent.


the nazis were big on rights.


Did he? I'm not familiar with German law, but I doubt that's true.
