MovieChat Forums > Precious (2009) Discussion > did her mom molest her?

did her mom molest her?

Jus been looking through the message boards and couldn't find anything about this question.
about 20min in Mo'Nique was lying in bed, it looked like she was masturbating and she suddenly says to "come take care of mommy, Precious".
Precious then gets up and says " I wish she'd stop this sh+t"

Now it may seem obvious to most but was she molesting her daughter? Coz to me that kinda came out of no-where. I understand the rapes she endured from her father and all her other problems because they were talked about or shown more than once, but that one scene with Mo'Nique really confused me..
Can anyone explain?


While it's only implied in the movie with that scene, in the novel (Push), there are instances where Precious is molested by her mother.


Yeh, it felt kinda superfluous in the film though.
They should have followed up on the implications of such a betrayal.
Very bad screenplay which does not surprise me though, the film just felt like it was constantly trying to one up itself on misery.

Anyway thanks for the clarification.


It's superflous anyway, over the top disgusting and abhorrent; seriously, both parents doing that? And with even less reason than the dad? Talk about one-upping itself.



Oh gosh, I did note that, but I think it could also be explained simply as the mom saying why she abused Precious with hands and words, because Precious took her man and now she was furious because she had no one to love her.



Yup, you described the events of the movie, but maybe she was more explicit in that scene in the book; I didn't know whether that meeting with Ms. Weiss occured in it.


The social worker wasn't really involved in the book version, she seemed to be added as a character so they could throw in certain details without having to show particular scenes that would be either difficult to film and watch (her being molested as toddler) or to touch on realities of her life not described in too much detail in the book (the requirements of welfare, how her mother was manipulating the system.


what did the mom actually do? i dont mean to ask anything graphic but, did the mom wanted her to touch her? or something else?

that was very confusing



Most likely... go down on her! In which case, the poor girl!

Its amazing she wasn't more mentally scarred after everything that her parents have done to her but I'm guessing she was probably just used to it by now since its been happening to her since she was a kid.

Ashmi any question


Well, that's why I think the addition of a mom acting like that was just trashy and useless to the story.


well if you heard stories from third world countries the mom becomes extremely realistic.

Yeah.... there are some things that are so horrible I could never tell them to you here. (or even in private message) things people do that makes her mom look tame in comparison


I've heard plenty horrific things and would not ask you for more, but nothing makes abusing a child look tame.


rich, white americans can be psychopaths too. in fact I'm related to one.


Yeah when her Mom was laying in bed and she said "Precious, come take care of mama" I definitely got the feeling she meant to do inappropriate stuff. I think the screenplay was good, they insinuated it without showing it.


This scene made it clear that she being sexually abused. I guess people ignore the obvious implication because, it's too ugly to think about.


Agreed. It was pretty obvious to me.

I can think of no other reason she would say that to her daughter while laying in bed touching herself.



I had to watch the movie several times before I caught on to it. the book goes into much more detail.

he left u NAKED in a DITCH!



In the novel Mary Jones does molest her daughter. Just writing about it makes me wanna puke. In the movie, it is strongly implied. So disgusting.

If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten


I'm glad you asked this question because i also was always confused by this scene. Wasn't Sapphire needing money and that's what her mother made her do to get it? I may be wrong, i haven't seen it for a while.


Yes, she was. There is a scene where Precious is cleaning up, and her mother is in bed watching TV and feeling herself, and she calls out saying "Precious, get me". Precious could not do anything because she was a child and she would be homeless and hungry. They made it pretty explicit.


Yes she was sexually abusing her... I was surprised most threads here dont mention it.. The book, I was told, showed more of this abuse, but the film only referred to it that one tome when she called Precious up to her room. Her mother was nuts.


Supposedly yes. Or at least she aided Precious dad during these episodes.
