
never ever go to europe, or travel at all for that matter.
you and your children will be drugged and raped within minutes of arrival.
by a bunch of immigrants.
supported by the local government.

..unless you have dandy daddy, who can defy these evil socialist powers with somersaults, his ability to steal cars and by the will-power only the most conservative mind can possess! check out his wit, in mere hours he can find the words 'good luck' in a foreign dictionary!! (!)
he shall bring you safely back to the land of pure bliss and horses, to join the socially accepted form of prostitution, the pop-industry. <3

but seriously, with bouncing naive girls on drugs in bikinis, fast edits of fists and guns and a deep voice to keep you narcotized, how could this not be nearly an 8 ?

i hear the second one was worse and folks were disappointed..



I never judge locations from movies. I've traveled across 23 countries on five continents.

Some of those are Spain, France, UK, Germany, United States, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, Romania, Portugal, Italy, The Netherlands, Morocco, Monaco, Peru, and many more.

Stay home if you want. But for those who stay, you're missing out on an amazing world.


exactly :) i'm glad you don't judge locations from movies, my post was a completely sarcastic summary of what this dumb movie was conveying..
sorry that you missed the irony.. keep up the traveling instead ;)
