MovieChat Forums > Taken (2009) Discussion > Things i learnt from THIS film.

Things i learnt from THIS film.

1.he is in USA and in mid-night calling his wife to tell her that their daughter is gone missing and early next morning he is in Paris where he found that boy.

i think bullet planes have got invented.


Remember tune difference between the two countries.


Remember tune difference between the two countries.

What? Like they use A-Minor in the USA, but C-Sharp in France?

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When in doubt, use the throat chop.

What evil drives the Car?...


You do realize Paris is on the other side of the world where it's daytime right?


What? Like they use A-Minor in the USA, but C-Sharp in France?

I meant to say Time difference LOL. I guess my spellchecker failed me LOL.


I meant to say Time difference LOL. I guess my spellchecker failed me LOL.

That's because "tune" is a word. And the person criticizing you knew what you meant. He was just trying to be difficult.

Anyway, given a 9 hour time difference and a 10-15 hour flight from L.A., you can figure out roughly when his departure flight took off.


You did the opposite of learning, or something like that...

an actual #1:

1. If your daughter's best friend has just been drugged to death, probably raped a few times, taken by men, and the daughter has been taken by men, probably stripped by strangers and dressed in degrading clothing, shuffled from place to place and forced to stay with men and fear having a fat old dude take her virginity and possibly be having sex for the rest of her life, then of course days or weeks later you should expect her to be happy and thrilled and polite when she meets a vocal coach/someone that will give her a chance as a professional singer! Of course she won't be inundated with horrifying flashbacks and fear and grief over her friend's terrible death. You rescued her so she'll be HAPPY!
2. If you're hiding from guys under the bed, talk in a loud voice. The guys looking for pussy won't be at attention for any possible noise from their kidnappees.
3. If someone displays superhuman strength, give them every single chance to break free.
4. Being a bodyguard will get you a kiss on the cheek from beautiful women and a private conversation with them in comfy, loose clothing.
5. If a government preventer's daughter has just been rescued from being kidnapped, that time on the plane was enough; just get out of her hair. And whatever you do, don't act like you almost lost her.
6. If a really powerful guy has you in his crosshairs, just continue to hold your fake whore hostage because it will all work out in the end.


7- You can ID a stranger with an accent, who you've never met before, by their voice from a recorded phone call

8- A 10 to 20 percent increase in an extortion fee seems fair enough as long as that fee is good for one year.

9- For birthday gifts, a pony trumps a karaoke machine.

"Loves turned to lust and bloods turned to dust in my heart"
